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Spring 2005 VAR
April 29 to May 1, 2005

West Virginia State Fairgrounds
Fairlea, WV
Hosted by Bubble Cave LLC


Spring VAR 2005 Pre-Registration Form

Please mail this form with your check (payable to Bubble Cave LLC; ‘Spring VAR’ on memo line) to:

Bubble Cave Spring VAR 2005 Registration
c/o Judy Fisher

PO Box 276
Berkeley Springs, WV  25411-0276

 Use pre-registration prices only if your form is postmarked on or before April 18, 2005.  Thank you.



City_______________________ State____________________ Zip_____________

 21 years old or older?  Yes/No (Please circle one)     Age if under 21_____________

 NSS Member?  Yes/No (Please circle one)  NSS Number______________________

 Grotto Affiliations:  ____________________________________________________

 Do you want a Vegetarian Meal?  Yes/No (Please circle one)

 VAR Fees:

Through April 18, 2004 (we will use the postmark):

 Adult (15+ years):  $27.00 x ____________ = $_______________

 Children (5-15):  $24.00 x _____________ = $________________

 Babies (0-4):  Free

 Total Amount enclosed:  $_________________________________

 Cost after April 18, 2005:  Add $3.00 per person