Soul radiating from heart divine
Unfurls on the crest of the wave of time
In the hand of God to ride
Where here and now constant collide
To see the universal mind
Crystallize in space and time
Lured by degrees to the edge of my spectrum
Down labrynthine lanes that stole my attention
Held by a thread as I chased for a season
The ever receding horizon of reason
In creations fire the past was burning
As the universe kept on turning
Far from home my path had led
Til turned about, I took the thread
Back to the source the axial power
Where balanced, the force eternal flowers
Perpetual motion of Love overflowing
The joy of being and light of knowing
The Sun and Moon of fire and form
As lovers embraced the Phoenix was born
From illusions shell to soar up the spine
And spread freedom's wing upon the sublime
With self sacrificed for Sophia's sake
Third Eye's golden tear did kiss the soul to wake