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Lincoln's Assassin || Garfield's Assassin || McKinley's Assassin || Kennedy's Assassin


John Wilkes Booth: .  

John Wilkes Booth was born near Bel Air, Maryland on May 10, 1838.He became very active in theatre, and  was a very good actor. Although he was famous, he had a troubled life. Later in the Summer, he became angry at President Lincoln, and plotted to kidnap him, because Booth was a southern racist and Lincoln symbolized everything he was against. His kidnapping failed, so he then conspired with several other people to kill Lincoln. Michael O’Laughlen, John Surratt, Lewis Powell, George Atzerodt, and David Herold were his accomplices in the assassination. On April 11, 1865, Booth entered Ford’s Theatre in Washington with murder in mind. He climbed the stairs to the balcony, and shot Lincoln in the head. He fled to a nearby barn, and was found, and shot later on.

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Charles Guiteau: C.G..gif (7678 bytes)

Charles Julius Guiteau was born on September 8, 1841, kin Freeport, Illinois. He was the forth of six children of Luther Wilson Guiteau and Jane Howe. Jane died when Guiteau was young on September 25, 1848 after the Luther remarried. One-day Guiteau’ s Sister reported the Charles had gone out to chop wood. When passing him he suddenly raised the axe at her. Scared she ran to the doctor who had examined her brother earlier declared she put him in an institution. After that on July 2, 1881 he tried to assassin James Abram Garfield the president of the United States. The assassination resulted in one of the most celebrated American "insanity trials" of the nineteenth century. Then it became a legal milestone in the judgment of the criminally insane. Over the decades most people including medical professions have agreed that Guiteau suffered from insanity. Charles E. Rosenberg author of "The Trial of the Assassin Guiteau Psychiatry and Law in the Gilded Age." He also wrote the case of "within a dozen years Guiteau’s execution, few interested physicians doubted that he had been insane." Those harshest in their judgment did not hesitate to call the trial a miscarriage of justice…





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czolgz2.jpg (22260 bytes)Leon Czolgosz: 

Leon Czolgosz was born in 1873 in Detroit, Michigan. His parents were Polish immigrants, and he had seven brothers and sisters. Later, when the family moved to Cleveland, Ohio, the family started to notice some strange things about Leon, like that he often took long naps, and was very shy. He became obsessed with the assassination of an Italian leader. He hoped that one day, he could do something like that himself. On September 6, 1901, Czolgosz shot President McKinley twice, in the stomach. After seeing what had happened, all of the soldiers and guards jumped on the assailant and started to beat him up. On September 14, 1901, the third assassinated U.S. President died. Czolgosz was sentenced to death, and on October 19, 1901, he was put to death by the electric chair.

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Lee Harvey Oswald:

Lee Harvey Oswald is an enigma.  He was killed by Jack Ruby, a mysterious figure who always maintained he murdered Oswald to save Jackie Kennedy the pain of a trial, and Oswald never revealed his motivation to kill the president.  Oswald's silence has led to many conspiracy theories about the Kennedy assassination.  What we do know about Oswald is that he grew up without a father.  His mother was neglectful and overly permissive.  Oswald had served in the military, lived in Russia as a self-proclaimed communist, and returned to the United States with his Soviet-born wife.   Oswald and his wife were separated at the time of the assassination.  Oswald worked in the Texas Book Depository building, and he shot Kennedy with a mail-order rifle from a window on the sixth floor.

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