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Neptune Facts

Orbit: 4,504,000,000 km from Sun

Diameter: 49,532 km (equatorial)
Mass: 1.024726 kg (4th largest)

- Neptune is named after the Roman god of the sea.

- It was discovered shortly after Uranus, after it was noticed that Uranus orbit did not fall in accordance with Newtons laws and another planet was needed to balance it.
- Because of Pluto's orbit, Neptune is (for a few years at a time) the most distant planet from the Sun.
- Neptune's winds are so powerful that the entire planet has constant tornado-like storms.
- Like Jupiters Great Red Spot, Neptune has a Great Dark Spot about the size of the Earth.
- Here is a list of some of Neptunes moon and the years in which they were discovered.

Naiad (1989), Thalassa (1989), Despina (1989), Galatea (1989), Larissa (1989), Proteus (1989), Triton (1846), and Nereid (1949).