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Chelsea Lee

Supervisor / HTML Editor

Hi. My name is Chelsea Lee, I am the supervisor and html... person for the Space Day Project. Basically I'm the one who falls asleep typing at the keyboard. I hope you guys like everything, it took us all alot. Everyone worked very hard to make this site great! It's a real pity we're too late for the nationals. Oh well, we still worked so incredibly hard! We nearly fell asleep in front of our monitors working. So here's a little information about myself: I'm 14. I live with my 3 cats, 2 dogs, and parental units. Planet of origin unknown. I believe that aliens DO exist.

::Beam me up, Scotty::

One night, there was a lunar eclipse. Due to the thick trees surrounding my house, my Father and I drove out to a nearby bridge to watch it. We could see a bright light in the Northern sky, though covered by clouds. But as we turned toward the South, we saw the moon in the opposite direction.