Title | Composer | Year |
"Reply to the Bonnie Flag" | Words by Mrs. C. Sterett, Music by M. H. Frank | 1862 |
"Taps" (July 1862)
| Words: anonymous
Music: Adapted from "Tattoo" by
General Daniel Adams Butterfield, 1831-1901 | July 1862 |
"Your Mission" | To Miss L. A. Gillett, Saline, Mich.
Melody by S[idney]. M. Grannis, | 1862 |
The Battle Hymn of the Republic | Julia Ward Howe(1819-1910) | 1862 |
Amazing Grace | John Newton | unknown |
Shall We Gather at the River | | |
The Little Brown Church in the Vale | | |
O God, Our Help in Ages Past | | |
What a Friend We Have in Jesus | | |
Rock of Ages | | |
A Mighty Fortress is Our God | Martin Luther | |
Abide With Me | | |
Nearer My God to Thee | | |
We Are Coming Father Abra'am 300,000 More | Wm. Cullen Bryant and L.O. Emerson | 1862 |
Marching Through Georgia | Henry C. Work | 1865 |
Who Will Save the Left? | R. Tompkins and Geo. F. Root | 1863 |
Tramp! Tramp! Tramp! | Geo. F. Root | 1864 |
Just Before the Battle, Mother | Geo. F. Root | 1863 |
Tenting on the Old Camp Ground | Walter Kittredge | 1864 |
The Grant Pill | Harriet L. Castle and J. C. Beckel | 1864 |
The Children of the Battlefield | James G. Clark | 1864 |
Can I Go, Dearest Mother | Bernard Covert | 1862 |
"Weeping, Sad and Lonely" or "When This Cruel War is Over" | Chas. C. Sawyer and Henry Tucker | 1862 |
Oh, Come You From the Battle-Field? | Geo. F. Root | 1864 |
When Johnny Comes Marching Home | Louis Lambert | 1863 |
The Vacant Chair | Geo. F. Root | 1862 |
Brave Boys are They | Henry Clay Work | 1861 |
Mother is the Battle Over? | B.E. Roefs. | unknown |
Grafted into the Army | Henry C. Work | unknown |
Jeff in Petticoats | George Cooper and Henry Tucker | 1865 |