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The biographies you see below are provided by the players of ShiKahr: The Emerald City so that their characters are perceived more clearly by fellow gamers. If you find a particular biography to be too brief or somewhat unclear, and you want to include the character in your post, do not hesitate to contact the player before making assumptions on their behalf.

ShiKahr: The Emerald City does not employ any ranks, as all players are deemed equal to each other. The characters are listed in the alphabet order.

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Nadir cha'Stiek hei-Eveinn Aimalok-sen-kiitar
Saya cha'Krech hei-Krivakh Akar-sen-deen
Seheik cha'Stilak hei-Kehlevt Ansa-sen-tar
Selek cha'Silek cha'Skon hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen
Shauk cha'Satalau hei-Sikar Shimasu-sen-tar
Solan cha'Salar
T'Aitlu cha'Kelek t'Sudoc hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen

Nadir cha'Stiek hei-Eveinn Aimalok-sen-kiitar
Meaning of the name:
Nadir means 'one who accepts'.
Nadir is 52 years old, born on the 2nd day of re'T'Khutai. He has black hair, brown eyes, and is 1.85 m (6'1") tall 67 kilos.

Tall and lanky, Nadir looks as if he'd be clumsy but training has improved his coordination. His face is longish and narrow with high cheekbones and his hair is cut in traditional style

Nadir is an Advocate (lawyer) in ShiKahr.
Politics/Philosophy/Religion/Mental skills:
He is Pro-Federation - for practical reasons more than ideological - and he is skeptical that Unification is possible given Rihannsu aggression. He converted to Surakian when he was bonded to House Eveinn.

His mental abilities are average. He has trained in the Nerve Pinch, but has never had an occasion to use it. He is more sensitive to projected emotions than he'd like and has spent much effort developing his mental shields.

Personal history:
Nadir cha'Stiek cha'T'Gonni hei-Duveh Ansa-sen-tar was born in the city Kir. He was bonded to Ris cha'Hamesh cha'T'Imi hei-Eveinn Aimalok-ken-kiitar at the age of 7 as per their parents' arrangement. Later they wed and he formally joined House Eveinn.

Nadir has an older bother and no sisters. He had a typical childhood and when he displayed an aptitude for debate and legal arguments, he was sent to university to become an Advocate. He graduated in the top 12 percentile of his class and clerked for a respected Advocate, Sadil, in ShiKahr.

As of yet, he and T'Ris have no children. She is a bio-chemist.

Saya cha'Krech hei-Krivakh Akar-sen-deen
The sigil of the House Krivakh.
Meaning of the name:
The name she has been given at birth was Mina; however, when she was wed, her husband Voile cha'Krech has bestowed a new name upon her, that of Saya, a hint that Saya had the same effect on Vulcans around her as having tasted saya - not the herbal tea kind, however, but the strong green alcoholic liqueur. Note that due to personal circumstances outlined below, her name is Saya, and not T'Saya, as one would expect a married woman to be named.

Saya is not a daughter of Krech as her name might suggest at the first look; it is actually her husband's paternal name that she took as well. She is a member of the House Krivakh and of Clan Akar-sen-deen.

Saya is 38 years old, born on Tasmeen 15. She is 5 feet 9 inches tall, and weighs 139 pounds. She has long dark brown/black hair and green eyes. She has been exercising vigorously since her early 20s and thus has a very strong physique.
Saya is a part-time professor at Vulcan Science Academy; she also has a business of her own (jewelry).
Politics/Philosophy/Religion/Mental skills:
Yes for Federation, no strict opinion about Unification; theoretically yes, but depends on how it would affect Vulcan society (costs? Federation's opinion? How would this project actually be carried out?). As for colonial expansion... It is alright, though, also, if needed; but not for only the sake of colonization itself.

S'kanderai by choise, not by birth, though trying to keep this fact hidden and acts (usually) quite like any Surakian Vulcan. Not a follower of any particular god/goddess, believes in A'tha, though, like most of the Vulcans.

Average when it comes to mental disciplines. Masters basic mental techniques like mind melds and healing trance.

Personal history:
Saya was born in the city of T'LingShar into a very liberal and openminded artist family, thus never finding the way of Surak as a fitting philosophy for herself. Her parents encouraged her to see the world and find her own way, not caring about the society's pressure and the majority's opinion. She finished her school and studies on Vulcan, specializing in physical chemistry and quantum physics but left her homeworld after it, finally finding her way to Earth. There she worked as a lecturer in the University of Dallas and also met her becoming bondmate, Voile cha'Krech, who was residing in the same city.

Soon she noticed that hers and Voile's backgrounds were very similar and they shared the same mindset and philosophy, and she also found Voile's S'kanderai background most fascinating, so they decided to bond. According to S'kanderai tradition she took the name Saya, the name her bondmate had given to her when claiming her as his, and also changed her parental name to cha'Krech. Unfortunately, after surviving their first pon farr together, a rift began to appear into their bond. So, at the moment, even if they are still formally a bonded couple, they have given each other the freedom to explore other possibilities as well. Also, they have a jewelry business together, and Saya has returned to Vulcan, to ShiKahr to handle the business in that end if needed, though she travels to Earth very often.

She has been exercising vigorously since her early 20s and thus has a very strong physique. She also has practiced various sorts of martial arts, and has been working in security business every now and then, also, in addition to her main profession.

Seheik cha'Stilak hei-Kehlevt Ansa-sen-tar
The sigil of the House Kehlevt.
Meaning of the name:
Seheik means pilgrim in the Old (Golic) Vulcan, a silent tribute to those of the clan Ansa-sen-tar who have joined the Sundered on their original journey through the stars to create what was going to become Rihannsu Star Empire. What happened to the bold souls, is unknown, for none of the clanships that made it safely to ch'Havran bore the proud silver-winged sigil of Ansa-sen-tar.

Seheik is a son of Stilak and belongs to the Old House Kehlevt, one of the Houses within the Clan Ansa-set-tar.

Seheik is close to 80 years old, although one could give him a decade or two more, for the stress of early years has left quite a few traces in the form of wrinkles here and there. He is a tall fellow, just over 6 feet. Seheik keeps his hair short, just long enough for them not to stick out like hedgehog's needles.
Seheik is a full-time professor at Vulcan Science Academy, teaching xenopsychology and logic. He is also an analyst for V'Shar (Department of Extravulcanian Psychology).
Politics/Philosophy/Religion/Mental skills:
Against the Federation (though currently abstaining from politics, Seheik has been a member of several Separatist groups in the past, although his contribution has never gone beyond words and financial support), for the Unification. A believer of A'tha. Average mental abilities.
Personal history:
Seheik is the oldest child in his family, which has an impact on his behavior and career choices. This is only as expected; the firstborns do not possess much liberty in their life choices, unlike the youngest children. The first bonding at the age of 7, the survival ritual at the age of 10, the seven years of studying at Vulcan Science Academy - his life has always been set for him for years to come. He is far from an ideal Vulcan; emotional control is not a given for him, exacerbated by the death of his spouse not too long ago. Yet, it is only logical to keep trying for the best... no matter the circumstances, provided the costs are acceptable.

Selek cha'Silek cha'Skon hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen
The sigil of the House Surak.
Meaning of the name:
Vulcans do not list more than one ancestor in a casual setting, unless the new bit of information is very crucial to their image. Selek is a nephew of Sarek cha'Skon, a famous and well-known Vulcan Ambassador to the Federation. Note that Vulcans do not have a customary way to denote the degree of relationship besides listing the direct ancestors and besides being of the same House as the relative; mentioning his father and his grandfather was the only logical choice left to Selek.

Selek is a member of the House Surak, and of the Clan Talek-sen-deen.

Selek is 102 years old. He stands 6 feet tall, and weighs 200 lbs at Earth's gravity. He has dark brown hair.
Selek is a Cultural and Protocol officer (this position is also referred to as Cultural Attache) in the Vulcan Embassy on Terra.
Politics/Philosophy/Religion/Mental skills:
For the Federation, against the Unification. It is illogical to ask Romulans to re-assimilate into our society, it would be too dangerous to have them and their emotions unchecked in our society. Knows of the presence of A'Tha. A Surakian Vulcan. Mental abilities are average. No difficulties entering into a healing trance, maintaining a mating bond, or melding with others.
Personal history:
Selek's father was an archeologist that is currently on a dig in the Hydrilla system. His father, Silek, is also the younger brother of Ambassador Sarek. Selek's mother, T'Pran, was a Starfleet officer aboard a science vessel that was overrun by Orion pirates. She was killed in that action. Selek, a child of 6 Standard years old at the time, was aboard the vessel his mother served on and hid in a Jeffries tube to escape the Orions. Several days later, a Starfleet vessel responded to the distress signal emitted by the log buoy jettisoned by the science vessel and rescued Selek and the other survivors. Because his father was involved in the dig, and didn't believe this to be a good place to raise a small child, Selek was sent to live with his uncle and aunt in ShiKahr. That uncle was Sarek.

Selek was encouraged by his uncle to join the diplomatic corps. He has been posted to Andor as Technical Attache, and Betazed as Cultural Attache. He is now serving on Earth as Cultural and Protocol officer. He returns to Vulcan often.

Selek was bonded; however, a mishap took place, and his bondmate died not that long ago as a result of the flitter accident.

Shauk cha'Satalau hei-Sikar Shimasu-sen-tar
The sigil of the House Sikar.
Meaning of the name:
Shauk is from the House of Sikar, and the Clan of Shimasu-sen-tar.
Shauk is 30 years old. She is 5 and a half feet tall and weighs about 110 lbs. Her hair is very long, straight and jet black, her eyes are a deep blue. She has a very slender frame, and works out quite often giving her an athletic build.
Shauk is a member of the UFP diplomatic corps (xenopsychology analyst).
Politics/Philosophy/Religion/Mental skills:
Shauk is a Surakian by choice and upbringing; however, a number of recent events led her to considering others philosophies, even those of S'kanderai - but it is too early to say as to what's going to come out of it.

Shauk is very strong in believing that vulcan should stay with the federation. When it comes to the Unification, she is hesitant. The possibility is out there, but she has reservations.

Shauk has average mental abilities.

Personal history:
Fates were not merciful to Shauk; she lost both of her parents when the girl was still a student at VSA, and was brought up by her grandparents. Not a full decade later, she lost her bondmate as well. This sent Shauk in a deep state of grief. Even though she has recovered from it, her demeanor is that of inner bitterness so much so that she carries it in the way she walks and carries herself, for her bitterness is what makes her so Vulcan.

Shauk has no children or siblings, for now she is the last of her family.

Solan cha'Salar
Meaning of the name:
Solan is the son of Salar. Besides that, Solan does not wishes to say anymore about who his ancestors were. He states that is a private matter and of nobody’s concern except to the members of his family.
Solan is 182 years old. His about 1.90 meters and weighs about 80 kilo’s at Terran gravity. His hair is that of a typical Vulcan only it is entirely grey.
Solan is an official UFP ambassador. He has served as its ambassador with the Klingons, the Cardassians and the Ferengi. He is also a resident expert on the Rihannsu, the Bajorans, the Dominion, and several other smaller empires. Although officially retired now, Solan is still often called in to mediate tough situations like final peace treaties with the Dominion and the Cardassians.
Politics/Philosophy/Religion/Mental skills:
Solan is strong supporter of Vulcan staying with the Federation. He thinks of himself more a UFP citizen rather then just a Vulcan. With enemies like the Borg and the Dominion out there, Solan believes the Federation is the most logical choice for T’Khasi if it wants to survive as it really doesn’t have an army or a fleet of its own. He is adamantly against reunification at the moment stating that the Rihannsu are not ready for it yet.

Solan is an atheist. He thinks its illogical to believe in a gods or deities as science have not yet proved their existence for a fact, Solan does not view Q-like beings as gods, but rather as higher evolved life forms. He leaves the believing in deities based on fiction and not facts to the more emotional races like the Terrans.

Solan has average mental abilities, never saw the real use in developing his telepathic abilities.

Personal history:
Solan does not say much about his past, he prefers to keep it private. It is however rumoured that Solan was a S’kanderai is in young years, but as he got older and became a junior ambassador when he was 90, he gradually shifted more towards the Surakian lifestyle. Now Solan always wears the perfect Surakian mask in public, but what is beneath that only Solan knows, and that’s how Solan prefers to keep it.

During his career, Solan has served as an UFP ambassador to many races and has therefore become an expert on many alien cultures.

Solan was once bonded, but it is believed his bond mate died a long time ago, Soran refuses to talk about her or even say her name, stating it is a private matter.

Solan has several children, but the only one who he often mentions is his 80 year old daughter Sania. She is his assistant and a junior ambassador. Sania is often with her father during diplomatic missions and trips. Sania has one Human/Vulcan daughter Nalia Eriksonn and two adopted Rihannsu children, Robert and Emily (twins). Sania’s late husband was Frank Eriksonn, great grandson of Admiral Magnus Eriksonn.

Of his other children Solan speaks little, preferring to keep his family relations private.

T'Aitlu cha'Kelek t'Sudoc hei-Surak Talek-sen-deen
The sigil of the House Surak.
Meaning of the name:
Aitlu means 'desire, want'.

Vulcans belong only to one House at a time; however, there is nothing in the protocols against mentioning one's previous House, especially if the individual acknowledges the old allegiance for her/his personality or other reasons. While T'Aitlu is a member of the House Surak, she has chosen to keep the memory of House Sudoc as well. One might find it very ironic that two bitter enemies, Houses Surak and Sudoc, have come to a peaceful coexistence in an individual's name. Then again, violence is no longer an appropriate trait for a Vulcan.

T'Aitlu has been adopted by the House of Surak; this has led to the change of the Clans as well, and she is a member of the Clan Talek-sen-deen now.

T'Aitlu was once bonded, but her bondmate has since chosen another, however because the first pon farr was seen, she retains the T' before her name.

T'Aitlu is 100 years old, born on Z'at 17th. She has long dark hair, dark eyes, and she is on the shorter side in height. She usually wears a long knee-length tunic with tight fitting pants. Heavier traditional robes are worn when she is out in public.
T'Aitlu is a merchant, a fabric artisan.
Politics/Philosophy/Religion/Mental skills:
For the Federation and sees the possibility in Unification... not necessarily on Vulcan itself... but in acceptance of the Houses that left so long ago. She believes in the Surakian way, of c'thia (reality truth) and arie'mnu (mastery of passions). Her mental abilities are slightly above average. Because of her earlier training she is very skilled at the mind arts; melds of varying degrees and in blocking.
Personal history:
She was trained in her younger days as an odalisque (pleasure servant). She has travelled off-world to learn her craft and for this reason some are wary of her. She has travelled to Delta and to Earth to learn of their diverse methods of fabric handling. In her shop she has an Earth-styled weaving loom, dress forms and is able to deal with the emotional race easily. From Delta, she obtained the equipment to form the seamless bonding on cloth and to appreciate the sensual nature of the Deltan's skill.

One of T'Aitlu's hobbies is painting; some of her works may be found below.

Alien landscape Imergence Plus Mount Cork in pink
New City 6 Seclusion Storm
Vulcan desert 2 IDIC IDIC 2
Shi'kahr On the Edge of the Desert Light and Fire