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 FATWOL!  The "largest" of the Wol masters, sullen,steadfast and true to the Wol for the Wol and through the Wol. Awesome power resides within this Grand seigneur. An arsenal of might! Unrivalled by any,... but one.
Fatwol it is that possesses the scourge of all Antiwol forces, the dreaded, terrifying  and malignant creeping death of the... "
This one weapon it was that stopped the Antiwol forces in their tracks back in the early days of the virginal Wol!
When only Fatwol and his beloved Oh-B1-Wol, stood between all mankind and the invading alien scourge. Many of mankind's greatest warriors were corrupted by these enemies and pressed into their service against their own kind.

But for Fatwol and Oh-B1-Wol at the battle of the Fummere,  mankind would have ceased to be! It was there that Fatwol in desperation against overwhelming odds  developed and used for the first time the "Captain Fantastic", or the breath of death, as those it is unleashed upon call it. This weapon comes from deep within where it lurks awaiting the command to go forth. It takes a great summoning to arouse this weapon. Many have since tried the summoning and have failed and in failing were driven mad, Fatwol has taught the art of summoning to only one other, his fellow Wol master Oh-B1-Wol!
Now together they seek out those worthy and admit them to the great WOL academy. Where after years of training they too may acquire master status. But master status is a two edged sword, for with master status comes training in the breath  of death. mastery o
f the weapon makes you a life long master, where as failure results in madness and death.

Thus began the second age!.... "The Wol verses the Antiwol scourge".

"The Wol's energy surrounds us, and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter! You must feel the Wol, around you - between you and  me, the tree, the rock. Yes, even between the land, and the ship."


                                                              Master Fatwol 

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