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Of Rocks and Ensuite bathrooms

Chapter 1: Of rocks and ensuite bathrooms.
Season 6- very minor spoilers for metamorphesis
general fiction
Disclaimer: all characters and premise are not my
Property. I make no money
from writing this fiction and it done purely for
Summary: Lord Yu isn't quite as bad as he would have us believe.

Images flit across Teal'c's mind as he drew near the end of kelnoreem. The usual, memories of Ryac, and others important in his life. He was in complete control of course, as are all Jaffa during their meditations, but he decided to let his subconscious wander knowing full well where it would take him. Daniel is lying there dying. It's not as if Teal'c hasn't seen those whom he considered close die before but it never gets easier. He doesn't see emotion as a weakness as some jaffa would. His time with the Tau'ri has allowed him to shed at least some of the emotional restrictions forced on him by a centaury of service to something as evil as any life form can get. It hurts to think of Daniel and there is little solace in the knowledge that he isn't dead, they saw him ascend, and that his friend of over 5 years had gone in spectacular courage. His actions had saved the lives of so many, and had deeply affected the lives of his friends, and one other.

Jonas. His actions, or in the eyes of some inaction, had been under scrutiny the last few months. The young man trying desperately to please. In Teal'c's eyes Jonas had done nothing wrong. His fear in the face of the explosion was understandable; the man was not a soldier at that point. And in the end he had defied the lies of his government and tried to honour Daniel Jackson's name in bringing as much naquadria to Earth as he could. Nonetheless it had been a while before Teal'c had warmed to this newcomer.

The gate room: Teal'c: My apologies for being late O'Neill. Jack: Teal'c! I was getting worried. Now lets get going to P4X.. Something or other. I hear there are rocks there! Teal'c: Did not the MALP indicate some sort of ancient Goa'uld temple of some kind not far from the gate? Jack: Like I said, rocks. Come on people; let's move out!

P4X something or other as Jack so eloquently put it did in fact contain a great many rocks. Rocks which of course where fascinating artefacts keeping Jonas very happy. A steady stream of banter and comment on various items was kept going by Jonas, who was trying his best to include the Colonel but of course failing utterly to do so. So he resigned himself to the fact that the man would never regard the temple as anything other than a heap of derelict rock. Deciding he had gained all the knowledge he could for now perhaps it was time to take his "rocks" and go back to Earth. He wasn't quite used to calling it home, it would probably remain just "Earth" for the time being.

The team begin the walk back to the gate before a glider swoops down over head.

Jack: Where did that come from?! Never mind. Let's just get outta here, Carter dial home!

Sam: Yes sir!

Jonas: Colonel! The gate's been activated! It looks like Jaffa!

Jack: Ok people, take cover. Let's just keep our heads down for now...

Again?! It doesn't matter how scary the bad guy is, there are only so many times you can be imprisoned and sentenced to death for your "insolence" before it starts to lose it's impact. But then again, the niggling little feeling at the back of your mind keeps telling you that this time you really screwed up. This time your gonna loose a team mate and you could, should have been more careful. But these are the thoughts that jack always pushes to the back f his mind, each and every time he gets threatened by some nameless jaffa minion for his "insolence".

The conclusion is that they have been captured by the servants of Lord Yu. Thank you for stating the obvious remarks a patronising jack. Jonas and Teal'c have already pointed that out several times now. Not that the decor didn't give it away. Decor aside the lack of torture and the surprisingly spacious cell is somewhat, unnerving. In all the many stays in Goa'uld cells this is the first in which there has been an ensuite bathroom and food at the ready. Not that any of them have eaten any, the last refreshment offered to them by a Goa'uld being the blood of Sokar.

The answer to the murmurings came shortly afterwards in the form of an imposing Lord Yu accompanied by a rather flustered looking minion, specifically the minion who had a problem with insolence.

Yu: Tau'ri! No doubt you are wondering why you are still alive.

Minion: as am I my lord. They were surprisingly easy to catch.

If it is possible for four eyebrows to be raised in perfect contempt with near perfect timing then it was achieved at that remark. The look on Jacks face clearly stating a deep desire to cause the Jaffa pain.

A thought surprisingly enough carried out not by Jack, but by Yu!

Yu: Silence Jaffa!! These humans may have a purpose yet.

Jack: Oh really? This doesn't have anything to do with pain sticks does it....?

Yu smiled! No really! He actually smiled! Not the usual "ooh now I get to torture these pathetic cretins" type smile that usually adorns the features of the host but a genuine smile of irony and amusement. As equally astonishing to the now caught of guard SG1 was the remarks that followed the smile.

Yu: No Tau'ri. Several times you have shown me great service in providing me with intelligence. Lord Yu is not without honour. And in this instance in helping your race I may alleviate considerable stress from my own....

As you are aware from your recent exploits the sholva Nurrti spent much time in the pursuit of creating a Hok'tar. Although this information would have been useful to the System Lords we could not have allowed Nurrti alone to posses the power which a Hok'tar would have brought her.

Jack: Oh I'm sure your very welcome but somehow I don't think you brought us all the way out here to say thank you.

Yu: No, I did not.

Jack: Well then...

Yu: Nurrti was not the only Goa'uld to be researching the possibility of creating the perfect host.

Jack: Your point bei...

Sam: You can't risk another Goa'uld getting then upper hand on you!

Jack: I wasn't done yet!

Needless to say Lord Yu did not find Sam's remark particularly flattering but luckily for all involved at that point the disconcerting jolt of a ship leaving hyperspace cut the meeting short. With a last withering and rather luminous glance at SG1 Yu disappeared from the room.

Jack: What just happened?

Jonas: I think we just got offered a job!

Teal'c: I believe Lord Yu wishes us to dispose of a Goa'uld for him.

Sam: Well that doesn't make any sense. Why doesn't he just do it himself?

Jonas: Perhaps he can't. It's probable that this Goa'uld is one of the system Lords. he wouldn't be able to destroy any of them without letting the others know why.

Sam: Which would lead to them trying to experiment as well. Well this could work to our advantage!

Jack: Look, I'm all for getting rid of another potential 'super Goa'uld' but do ya really think it's a good idea to help Yu out? He's one of the bad guys remember!

Authors note: Ok now I need your help :) Should they help Lord Yu or say no and suffer the consequences? Feedback is much appreciated and greatly craved :) feed back to