Globular Cluster Observations
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The following is a list of the globular clusters observed at least once by me. Click on the object to go to it's drawing page, if sketch is available. All objects in black color are default observed with a 8" telescope and those in blue color are with a 12" telescope. There are just 150 known globulars in the Milky-Way galaxy. Out of them some 20 need the largest amateur scopes. Of the remaining 130, another 30 are too far South for our latitude of even +13o. Hence my observations are out of the remaining 100 globulars only! |
Constellation | Globular Cluster |
Andromeda | |
Antlia | |
Apus | |
Aquarius | M2, M72 |
Aquila | NGC 6760 |
Ara | NGC 6397, NGC 6352 |
Aries | |
Auriga | |
Boötes | NGC 5466 |
Caelum | |
Camelopardalis | |
Cancer | |
Canes Venatici | M3 |
Canis Major | |
Canis Minor | |
Capricornus | M30 |
Carina | NGC 2808 |
Cassiopeia | |
Centaurus | NGC 5139 (Omega Centauri), NGC 5286 |
Cepheus | |
Cetus | |
Chamaeleon | |
Circinus | |
Columba | NGC 1851 |
Coma Berenices | M53, NGC 4147, NGC 5053 |
Corona Australis | NGC 6541 |
Corona Borealis | |
Corvus | |
Crater | |
Crux | |
Cygnus | |
Delphinus | NGC 6934, NGC 7006 |
Dorado | |
Draco | |
Equuleus | |
Eridanus | |
Fornax | |
Gemini | |
Grus | |
Hercules | M13, M92, NGC 6229. |
Horologium | NGC 1261, |
Hydra | M68, NGC 5694 |
Hydrus | |
Indus | |
Lacerta | |
Leo | |
Leo Minor | |
Lepus | M79 |
Libra | NGC 5897 |
Lupus | NGC 5824, NGC 5986, NGC 5927 |
Lynx | NGC 2419 (Intergalactic Wanderer) |
Lyra | M56 |
Mensa | |
Microscopium | |
Monoceros | |
Musca | |
Norma | NGC 5946 |
Octans | |
Ophiuchus | M9, M10, M12, M14, M19, M62, M107, NGC 6293, NGC 6316, NGC 6304, NGC 6401, NGC 6355, NGC 6284, NGC 6287 |
Orion | |
Pavo | NGC 6752 |
Pegasus | M15 |
Perseus | |
Phoenix | |
Pictor | |
Pisces | |
Piscis Austrinus | |
Puppis | NGC 2298 |
Pyxis | |
Reticulum | |
Sagitta | M71 |
Sagittarius | M22, M28, M54, M55, NGC 6624, NGC 6638, NGC 6544, NGC 6553, NGC 6522, NGC 6528, M70, M69, NGC 6652, M54, NGC 6717 (Palomar 9), NGC 6723, M75, NGC 6440, NGC 6642, NGC 6569, |
Scorpius | NGC 6441, M4, M80, NGC 6388, NGC 6144, NGC 6453, NGC 6139, NGC 6496 |
Sculptor | NGC 288 |
Scutum | NGC 6712 |
Serpens | |
Serpens Caput | M5 |
Serpens Cauda | |
Sextans | |
Taurus | |
Telescopium | |
Triangulum | |
Triangulum Australe | |
Tucana | |
Ursa Major | |
Ursa Minor | |
Vela | NGC 3201 |
Virgo | NGC 5634 |
Volans | |
Vulpecula | |