Planetary Nebulae Observations
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The following is a list of the planetary nebulae observed at least once by me. Click on the object to go to it's drawing page, if sketch is available. All objects in black color are default observed with a 8" telescope and those in blue color are with a 12" telescope. |
Constellation | Planetary Nebula |
Andromeda | NGC 7662 (Blue Snowball) |
Antlia | |
Apus | |
Aquarius | NGC 7293 (Helix Nebula), NGC 7009 (Saturn Nebula) |
Aquila | |
Ara | |
Aries | |
Auriga | IC 2149 |
Boötes | |
Caelum | |
Camelopardalis | |
Cancer | |
Canes Venatici | |
Canis Major | |
Canis Minor | |
Capricornus | |
Carina | |
Cassiopeia | |
Centaurus | |
Cepheus | |
Cetus | NGC 246 |
Chamaeleon | |
Circinus | |
Columba | |
Coma Berenices | |
Corona Australis | |
Corona Borealis | |
Corvus | NGC 4361 |
Crater | |
Crux | |
Cygnus | NGC 6826 (Blinking Planetary)*, |
Delphinus | |
Dorado | |
Draco | NGC 6543 (Cat's Eye Nebula) |
Equuleus | |
Eridanus | |
Fornax | NGC 1360 |
Gemini | NGC 2392 (Eskimo / Clown Face) |
Grus | |
Hercules | |
Horologium | |
Hydra | NGC 3242 (Ghost of Jupiter) |
Hydrus | |
Indus | |
Lacerta | |
Leo | |
Leo Minor | |
Lepus | |
Libra | |
Lupus | |
Lynx | |
Lyra | M57 (Ring) |
Mensa | |
Microscopium | |
Monoceros | |
Musca | |
Norma | |
Octans | |
Ophiuchus | |
Orion | |
Pavo | |
Pegasus | |
Perseus | M76 (Little Dumbbell) |
Phoenix | |
Pictor | |
Pisces | |
Piscis Austrinus | |
Puppis | NGC 2438 (Within Open Cluster M46) |
Pyxis | |
Reticulum | |
Sagitta | |
Sagittarius | |
Scorpius | |
Sculptor | |
Scutum | |
Serpens | |
Serpens Caput | |
Serpens Cauda | |
Sextans | |
Taurus | M1 (Crab, actually a Supernova Remnant) |
Telescopium | |
Triangulum | |
Triangulum Australe | |
Tucana | |
Ursa Major | M 97 (Owl) |
Ursa Minor | |
Vela | |
Virgo | |
Volans | |
Vulpecula | M27 (Dumbbell) |
* NGC 6826 (Blinking Planetary) - Observed with the 40-inch f/13 SCT telescope at Kavalur Observatory!