Rubber Stamped Cachet of a Ship's Silhouettei

Mission Ship Notes
STS-1 UTC Freedom Signed with extra blue Space Shuttle Flight Cachet
STS-1 UTC Liberty With recovery information & signed
STS-12 UTC Liberty A different cover with recovery information & signed
STS-12 Both This unique Return To Port cover probably wasn't aboard either Recovery ship
Training UTC Liberty Sucken parachute recovery test with signature
STS-2 UTC Freedom Signed
STS-2 UTC Freedom Not signed and addressed to Robert Boudwin
STS-2 UTC Freedom Not signed and addressed to Robert Boudwin with extra text
STS-2 UTC Freedom Not signed - Extra blue text cachet - KSC hand cancel
STS-2 UTC Liberty With recovery information & signed
STS-42 UTC Freedom Not signed - KSC hand cancel
STS-5 UTC Liberty Not signed - Orlando cancel
STS-6 UTC Freedom Maroon  cachet  plus black Space Shuttle cachet
STS-6 UTC Liberty Not signed - Orlando cancel
STS-41B UTC Liberty STS-11 - Not signed
STS-41B UTC Freedom Not signed - Includes blue mission emblem - Ship silhouette is maroon
STS-41B UTC Liberty Not signed - Includes blue mission emblem
STS-41C UTC Freedom Not signed - Includes red mission emblem
STS-41C UTC Liberty Not signed - Includes red mission emblem
STS-41C UTC Liberty Signed
STS-51B4 UTC Liberty Signed
STS-51C UTC Liberty Signed
STS-51G Liberty Signed - KSC postmark
STS-51G UTC Liberty Not signed - Orlando postmark
STS-61C2 UTC Liberty Signed
STS-27 UTC Liberty Signed
Cape Canaveral Port Authority Cachetsii,iii,v
Mission Ship Notes
STS-1 UTC Freedom Satellite Beach Postmark - No Port Authority Cachet
STS-1 UTC Liberty Satellite Beach Postmark - No Port Authority Cachet
STS-2 UTC Freedom KSC Postmark - Cape Canaveral Port Authority Cachet
STS-2 UTC Liberty Cape Canaveral Port Authority Cachet
STS-4 UTC Freedom Blue Cape Canaveral Port Authority Cachet - Failure of SRB Parachutes
STS-4 UTC Liberty Green Cape Canaveral Port Authority Cachet - Failure of SRB Parachutes
STS-5 UTC Freedom Cape Canaveral Port Authority Cachet
STS-6 UTC Freedom Blue RSC plus Blue Cape Canaveral Port Authority Cachets
STS-6 UTC Liberty Green RSC plus Green Cape Canaveral Port Authority Cachets
STS-7 UTC Freedom Blue RSC plus Blue Cape Canaveral Port Authority Cachets
STS-7 UTC Liberty Green RSC plus Green Cape Canaveral Port Authority Cachets
STS-8 UTC Freedom Blue RSC plus Blue Cape Canaveral Port Authority Cachets
STS-8 UTC Liberty Green RSC plus Green Cape Canaveral Port Authority Cachets
STS-41B UTC Freedom Beautiful Photograph of ship plus Cape Canaveral Port Authority cachet
STS-41B UTC Liberty Beautiful Photograph of ship plus Cape Canaveral Port Authority cachet
STS-41D UTC Freedom Beautiful Photograph of ship
STS-41D UTC Liberty Beautiful Photograph of ship

UTC Freedom
Freedom Star

Beautiful Photograph of ship
STS-41G UTC Liberty
Liberty Star
Beautiful Photograph of ship

Freedom Star

Aqua-Blue printed plus Blue Cape Canaveral Port Authority cachets
STS-51B Liberty Star Green RSC plus Green Cape Canaveral Port Authority cachets
STS-51F Freedom Star Aqua-Blue printed plus Blue Cape Canaveral Port Authority cachets
STS-51J Freedom Star Aqua-Blue printed plus Blue Cape Canaveral Port Authority cachets
STS-51J Liberty Star Green RSC plus Green Cape Canaveral Port Authority cachets
STS-61A Freedom Star Aqua-Blue printed plus Blue Cape Canaveral Port Authority cachets
STS-61A Liberty Star Green RSC plus Green Cape Canaveral Port Authority cachets
STS-61A Freedom Star Beautiful Photograph of ship
STS-61A Liberty Star Beautiful Photograph of ship
STS-26 UTC Freedom Black RSC plus Blue Cape Canaveral Port Authority cachets
STS-26 UTC Liberty Black RSC plus Green Cape Canaveral Port Authority cachets
STS-29 UTC Freedom Blue RSC plus Blue Cape Canaveral Port Authority cachets
STS-29 UTC Liberty Green RSC plus Green Cape Canaveral Port Authority cachets
STS-312 UTC Freedom Blue RSC plus Blue Cape Canaveral Port Authority cachets
STS-312 UTC Liberty Green RSC plus Green Cape Canaveral Port Authority cachets
STS-34 UTC Freedom Blue RSC plus Blue Cape Canaveral Port Authority cachets
STS-34 UTC Liberty Green RSC plus Green Cape Canaveral Port Authority cachets
STS-40 UTC Freedom Blue UTC Freedom cachet
STS-40 UTC Liberty Green UTC Liberty cachet
STS-41 UTC Freedom Blue UTC Freedom cachet
STS-41 UTC Liberty Green UTC Liberty cachet
STS-49 UTC Freedom Blue UTC Freedom cachet
STS-49 UTC Liberty Green UTC Liberty cachet
STS-63 UTC Freedom Blue UTC Freedom cachet plus red SBR Damaged by Water
STS-63 UTC Liberty Green UTC Liberty cachet plus red SBR Damaged by Water
STS-64 UTC Freedom Blue UTC Freedom cachet
STS-64 UTC Liberty Green UTC Liberty cachet
STS-71 UTC Freedom Blue UTC Freedom cachet
STS-71 UTC Liberty Green UTC Liberty cachet
STS-74 UTC Freedom Blue UTC Freedom cachet
STS-74 UTC Liberty Green UTC Liberty cachet
STS-78 UTC Freedom Blue UTC Freedom cachet
STS-78 UTC Liberty Green UTC Liberty cachet
STS-80 UTC Freedom Blue UTC Freedom cachet
STS-80 UTC Liberty Green UTC Liberty cachet
STS-99 UTC Freedom Blue UTC Freedom cachet
STS-99 UTC Liberty Green UTC Liberty cachet
STS-102 UTC Freedom Blue UTC Freedom cachet
STS-102 UTC Liberty Green UTC Liberty cachet
STS-105 UTC Freedom Blue UTC Freedom cachet
STS-105 UTC Liberty Green UTC Liberty cachet
STS-109 UTC Freedom Blue UTC Freedom cachet
STS-109 UTC Liberty Green UTC Liberty cachet
STS-111 UTC Freedom Blue UTC Freedom cachet
STS-111 UTC Liberty Green UTC Liberty cachet
STS-113 UTC Freedom Blue UTC Freedom cachet
STS-113 UTC Liberty Green UTC Liberty cachet
STS-114 UTC Freedom Blue UTC Freedom cachet
STS-114 UTC Liberty Green UTC Liberty cachet
STS-126 UTC Freedom Blue UTC Freedom cachet
STS-126 UTC Liberty Green UTC Liberty cachet
Other Cachetsii
Mission Ship Notes
STS-12 UTC Liberty Blue rubber stamp cachet without signatures
STS-2 UTC Liberty Blue rubber stamp cachet without signatures with extra small text cachet
STS-2 UTC Liberty Greyscale cover shows the Liberty and SRB under parachutes
STS-3 UTC Freedom Sarzin cover shows the UTC Freedom
STS-3 Both Colorano silk cover for recovery of the SRBs
STS-3 Both Space Voyager cover for return to port
STS-42 UTC Liberty Blue rubber stamp cachet without signatures
STS-6 Both Space Voyager cover for SRB ships leaving Port Canaveral on Apr 3
STS-6 Both Space Voyager cover for SRB ships retrieving SRBs and returning to Port Canaveral on Apr 5
STS-92 UTC Liberty Blue printed cachet with recovery information & signature
STS-24 UTC Liberty Green printed cachet with recovery information & signature
STS-61Cvi UTC Liberty Green printed cachet with recovery information & signatures
STS-60 UTC Freedom Blue UTC Freedom Port Canaveral cachet - Hand cancel CC
STS-84 Freedom Star S/H Photo of the Freedom Star
STS-983 UTC Liberty Blue printed cachet with recovery information & doubtful signature


Notes General:
i ) These covers were on board the Recovery ship
ii) These were not aboard the Recovery ship
iii) There is some doubt as to whether the Cape Canaveral Port Authority cachet is genuine
iv) Bob Boudwin covers for STS-37, STS-39 and STS-40 may not exist. Note that these missions were flown in 1991 after STS-41.
v) All covers from STS-4 (or possibly STS-3) were postmarked at Cape Canaveral
vi) Note that the hand written date on this cover is for the original launch date which was scrubbed

Notes Other:
1) From the collection of Ken Havekotte
2) From the collection of Antoni Rigo
3) From the collection of Efim Sandler
4) From the collection of Robert McLeod

This page © Dr Ross J Smith
This page is maintained by the
Last modified on 18 May 2024

