
(Copia consignada como ejemplo para el Proyecto UCI-HCC-05)

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Procuenca- San Juan

Formulation of a Strategic Action Program for the Integrated Management of Water Resources and the Sustainable Development of the San Juan River Basin and its Coastal Zone

Annexes - Logical Framework


Logical Framework for Development of Strategic Action Programme (SAP) for the Integrated Management of the San Juan River Basin and its Coastal Zone (SJRB)
Intervention Logic Indicators of Performance Means of Verification Risks and Assumption
Development Objective: Water resources of the San Juan River Basin and its coastal zone are available to satisfy present and future demands as agreed to by those who use or have an influence over these resources.

Human populations in the SJRB have improved life quality as measured by health and income parameters.


Reduced biotic, chemical, and physical contamination of Lake Nicaragua, the San Juan River, and its coastal zone.


Fewer conflicts over the use of services provided by ecosystems in the San Juan River basin including those of Lake Nicaragua and the coastal zone.

San Juan River Basin Project (SJRBP) documents that show that mechanisms and instruments for integrated planning and implementation are in place.

Reports of the SJRBP monitoring and evaluation system.

Reports of other local, national, and international investigations.


Governments of Costa Rica & Nicaragua agree on the mechanisms and instruments of planning, implementation, and monitoring the SJRBP.

Other stakeholders agree on the mechanisms and instruments of planning, implementation, and monitoring the SJRBP.

Programs and financial strategies of the SJRBP are in place.


Project Purpose: To formulate a Strategic Action Programme (SAP) for the Integrated Management and Sustainable Development of the San Juan River Basin and its coastal zone (SJRB).

Public participation and consultation methods were used in the development of the SAP.

Formulation of the SAP has been completed.

SAP priorities have been set and its institutional framework has been prepared

Governments endorsement of the SAP Program Document. Governments of Costa Rica and Nicaragua agree on and approve the SAP.

Stakeholders are willing to actively and responsibly participate in and collaborate with the SJRBP.



Result/ Component 1: Formulation of the SAP Proposals to address root causes are available.

SAP priorities have been set and its institutional framework has been prepared.

Formulation of the SAP has been completed

Governments endorsement of the SAP Program Document. Governments of Costa Rica and Nicaragua agree on the results of the studies.

Stakeholders actively and responsibly participate in the development of the SAP.


Result/ Component 2: SJRB Information System Information system workshops have been held.

Studies have been completed.

Surveys regarding information system needs have been completed.

Databases have been designed

Information system workshop reports.

Documents (including maps) reporting on the SJRBP studies.

Reports of SJRBP surveys and data bases


Stakeholders are willing to share information and will collaborate in the design and maintenance of the information system.

Information needs are clearly identified.

Stakeholders will continue to allocate funds and other resources to support the information system.

Information is balanced and accurate.


Result/ Component 3: Strategic Actions with Stakeholder Involvement Social and economic investigations have been conducted and the information is used in the integrated development planning for the basin.

Conflict management needs have been identified and projects are designed.

Strategic planning and management demonstration projects are completed

Reports of SJRBP studies.

Progress reports on demonstration projects


Stakeholders provide accurate information on their demands.

The governments of Costa Rica and Nicaragua will accept the use of Strategic Planning and Management (SPM).

The policies and priorities of the governments of Costa Rica and Nicaragua with regard to SPM will be positive


Result/ Component 4: Public Participation. Stakeholders actively participated in the development and implementation of SJRBP activities.

Workshops were held to develop SJRBP activities and policies.

SAP Demonstration Projects are completed.

Program workshop Reports.

Progress reports of the SAP demonstration projects.

SAP Program document.

There is an interest on behalf of civil society and other stakeholders to positively participate on a long term basis with the SJRBP

A clear and balanced identification of stakeholders is possible.

Financial resources are made available for stakeholder participation in the SJRBP workshops.

There is an interest on behalf of civil society and other stakeholders to positively participate on a long term basis with the SJRBP.

Result/ Component 5: Local, national and bi-national level institutional arrangements Governments of Costa Rica and Nicaragua have allocated funds for the SJRBP National Technical Units.

National and bi-national technical level workshops and seminars have been held with participation of personnel of MINAE and MARENA.

Joint Research Studies have been identified and designed.

MINAE and MARENA budgets.

Reports of meetings.

Bi-national Co-operation agreements between universities and research institutes.

Bi-national Co-operation instruments between MINAE and MARENA.

Local governments, technical personnel and scientists are interested in developing and sustaining institutional arrangements.

Governments of Costa Rica and Nicaragua are willing to work with the institutional arrangement developed by the stakeholders.

Governmental institutions of Costa Rica and Nicaragua are willing to work together to develop institutional arrangements to support SAP implementation.

Result/ Component 6: Capacity Building and Institutional Strengthening. Basin Councils and Associations for work in the basin are formed.

Capacity building and institutional strengthening demonstration projects are completed.

Proposal to strengthen institutions.

Progress reports on demonstration projects.

Local governments, technical personnel and representatives of civil society are interested in building management capacities.

Governments of Costa Rica and Nicaragua are willing to work with local governments and local stakeholders to strengthen local institutional capacities.

Result/ Component 7: Education and Training in the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources. Environmental Education workshops have been held.

Review studies of existing environmental education programmes and materials have been completed.

Surveys regarding environmental education needs have been designed and conducted.

Successful experiences in the use of sustainable technologies have been identified and innovative technologies tested.

SJRBP environmental education demonstration projects are underway.

Environmental education workshop reports.

Progress reports of SJRBP demonstration projects.

SAP Program Document.

SJRBP environmental education survey reports.

A clear identification of stakeholders (beneficiaries and providers) is possible.

A clear understanding of the levels of intervention exists.


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Activities Assumptions
Project Purpose: To formulate a Strategic Action Programme (SAP) for the Integrated Management and Sustainable Development of the San Juan River Basin and its Coastal Zone.
  1. The OAS/USDE provides technical co-ordination and follow-up for the administration of funds, supervision of personal, and preparation of the activity reports submitted to UNEP, GEF and to the Governments of Costa Rica and Nicaragua.
  2. Provide technical co-ordination to the technical units (Costa Rica and Nicaragua) to a) prepare and follow-up on the work-plan, b) administer funds assigned to the SJRBP by international agencies, and c) supervise the activities of the technical unit.
  3. Prepare the SAP document.
MINAE and MARENA provide counterpart contributions in terms of finances and staff
Result/ Component 1: Formulation of the SAP.
    1. Prepare, organise and present workshops.
    2. Promote, prepare and organise bi-national meetings which includes the participation of the government authorities of Costa Rica and Nicaragua.
    3. Collect data, undertake studies and surveys, etc.
    4. Complete studies needed to formulate the SAP.
Stakeholders are willing to participate and authorities are receptive to participatory findings.
Result/ Component 2: SJRB Information System.
    1. Identify specific critical areas and level of degradation of the water resources based upon agreed use plans.
    2. Design and undertake studies of the basin ecosystems (natural history, structure and function, distribution, uses, etc.
    3. Design basin-wide sedimentation and contamination studies.
    4. Design a basin-level Monitoring System covering both natural history and socio-economic concerns.
    5. Design and perform studies of human migration in the basin.
    6. Design mechanisms to monitor natural hazard vulnerability.

Analyse progress and results of selected demonstration projects related to the design of an information system for the SJRB and its coastal zone.

Communities are receptive to the SJRBP and are willing to collaborate with the technical staff of the project.

Stakeholders are willing to provide information and data.

Participants of studies allocate the financial resources to execute the project.

Participants of demonstration projects undertake their assigned activities.


Result/ Component 3: Strategic Actions with Stakeholder Involvement.
    1. Identify geographic and thematic areas for intervention.
    2. Identify present and future demands for the ecosystem services available in the basin and develop and test mechanisms to satisfy these demands.
    3. Design a programme for "environmental" conflict resolution at local (municipal) levels.
    4. Analyse the progress and results of selected projects for specific areas, such as the Lake Nicaragua basin, San Juan River basin, coastal zone, sub-basins and critical areas.
    5. Design training programs to improve strategic planning and management and to enhance awareness of its value for long-term, conflict free development of natural resources.


Financial resources are allocated to execute the demonstration projects.

Demonstration projects are well managed and completed.

Result/ Component 4: Public Participation.
    1. Identify stakeholders.
    2. Motivate stakeholders to participate in the SJRBP and in other programmes in the region.
    3. Prepare, organise and present workshops on public participation.
    4. Analyse the progress and results of the participatory mechanisms and methods used in selected demonstration projects.
    5. Promote project partnerships (consortia, associations , etc.).
    6. Prepare the Public Participation Program document.
Stakeholders participate responsibly and authorities are receptive to participatory decisions.

Participants in the demonstration projects allocate financial resources for project execution.

Participants in the demonstration projects undertake the activities assigned to them under the project.


Result/ Component 5: Local, national and bi-national level institutional arrangements.
    1. Promote meetings, workshops and seminars between technical and administrative personnel of MINAE and MARENA, research institutions, educational institutions, etc.
    2. Promote joint research studies between universities and other research institutions.
    3. Collect, review and analyse information on current institutional arrangements and their roles in the management of the San Juan River Basin and its allied coastal zone.
    4. Design local, national and bi-national institutional arrangements including inter-institutional co-ordination based on common elements of the resource use and conservation policies in both countries.
Local governments, technical personnel and scientist are interested in developing and sustaining institutional arrangements.

Common elements exist in the resource use and conservation policies of both countries.


Result/ Component 6: Capacity building and institutional strengthening.
    1. Within the basin, promote the creation and strengthening of basin-based Sustainable Development Councils and Associations of Councils.
    2. Analyse the progress and results of selected demonstration projects on capacity building and institutional strengthening.
    3. Formulate a program for institutional strengthening including these components: a) programme for capacity building, b) programme for infrastructure, c) programme to equip the institutions, and d) programme to increase revenues for these institutions.


Participants of demonstration projects allocate the financial resources to execute the project.

Participants of demonstration projects undertake their assigned activities under the SAP.


Result/ Component 7: Education and Training for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources.
    1. Identify stakeholders (beneficiaries and providers of the programme).
    2. Review of existing programmes and materials .
    3. Prepare, organise and present workshop, seminar and technical meeting.
    4. Survey of beneficiaries (level of education, cultural behaviours, etc.).
    5. Analyse the progress and results of selected demonstration projects on environmental education.
    6. Formulate a Programme for Environmental Education and Training for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources.
Stakeholders are willing to participate and authorities are receptive to participatory decisions.

Participants of demonstration projects allocate the financial resources to execute the project.

Participants of demonstration projects undertake their assigned activities under the project.



Project Overview | PDF-Block B Phase Final Report | Organization Structure | Virtual Tour | Contact Information | Project Brief
Partners and Projects |
Logic Framework | TDA | SAP | Meetings | Related Links Information Resources | Distribution Materials |

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