
Current Posts: 15

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SEPTEMBER 18, 2005 - I've gotten this page, and a lot of others! But I still have a few fanfiction to recode, as well as one to actually post. But that's okay. Once it's all done, I'll start assigning numbers to the authors. This ensures that 1) Two people who want to have the same screnname can, and 2) If someone wants to change his/her screnname, s/he can, and I won't have to go through a number of pages to change the links. So less work for me in the long-run.

But what about assigning numbers or something similar to fanfiction themselves - i.e., an author whose number is "00" having the first fanfiction linked as "00-01," and a second as "00-02," etc.? What say you? Let me know!
-Mistress Gim

SEPTEMBER 9, 2005 - GIM is back on-line! (No pun intended, but whatever floats your boat.) I'm still working on it, of course, and I realize I am very much behind schedule - a month behind! But it isn't my fault. I haven't had internet access for a while now, so I only got about two hours in at the library once every week, if I had the time. But I'm almost done with the revisions!

The pages that still need to be done are the multi-chapter fanfiction and this page. And then - freedom! (But not really.) Five cheers!

And if you haven't guessed already, start sending in those stories! I'll soon be accepting original works, keep in mind!
-Mistress Gim

JULY 10, 2005 - Alright, let's see... I still have work to do, but so far I have redone the Search By pages, the Mistress Gim page, and several of the category pages. I'll get to the rest at a later date; for now, I have other things needing my attention.

Please note, I haven't been feeling well, so the lack of quantity in regards to pages edited is due to the accompanying dottiness I've been experiencing today.
-Mistress Gim

JULY 1, 2005 - And it has begun! Today marks the first of many to come during which the layout and everything else will be visciously attacked by yours truly in hopes of bettering the site as a whole. I very much hope that everyone will enjoy the new look once it has been completed - I know I'll work hard to make it look nice! But it will take a while. This update will actually not be read until a while after its posting, or at all (I don't know if anyone bothers trudging through the news archives, unless there is really nothing to do).

But in any case, that is what I will be doing for the next month: Editing, editing, revising, editing, going mad from coding so much... Wish me luck!
-Mistress Gim

JUNE 18, 2005 - I've kneaded out a few errors and added to the Mistress Gim page. I'll be adding a LOT more fanfiction over the next few days; give me a week, about, to get everything up. By the way, I wouldn't say no to submissions! Hint hint!
-Mistress Gim

JUNE 4, 2005 - I have started on the Miscellany Bin and converted the site's rating system, which (though I did not realize it at the start) set off a chain-reaction of pages that also needed to be updated. I have also changed the vlink and alink colors (I hope it looks better), and corrected a few mistakes that I found here and there.

I will be adding another fanfiction soon that will be in the Bin, as well as issuing a few fanfiction challenges. But for now, my stomach says food is the more important pursuit.
-Mistress Gim

JUNE 2, 2005 - I will start creating a page that will be called Miscellany Bin, which will include fanfiction that I would like to post that do not fit anywhere existing as of now, fanfiction challenges, and other things. As I have limited access (at the moment) to a respectable computer that actually works, I don't know when I can get started on the page. Please be patient.

In other news, I STILL NEED FANFICTION SUBMISSIONS! Really, people, my inbox is empty and it's quite depressing. So help me out!
-Mistress Gim

MAY 9, 2005 - The FES List page and Fanfiction Submission page have been edited. That's about it; I don't have a lot of time at the moment. Enjoy the new things. AND SEND SOMETHING IN!
-Mistress Gim

MAY 1, 2005 - I've added the 'F. E. S. List' page, so check that out. I'll add more to the list later; I'm not on my own computer, and I need to get off this one - ten minutes ago. I also moved the links on the main page around a bit to accomodate the addition, so it's still all triangle-like and all.

I don't know if the error page works, as whenever I test it out it doesn't, but I think it may be different with other computers. Hopefully it does, and if it doesn't, let me know.

As I fell ill last week, I wasn't able to add the rest of the fanfiction, which I had planned to do. Grr, it doesn't want to be gotten to! But I will get to it, I promise. Well...that's about it, I suppose.

-Mistress Gim

APRIL 23, 2005 - Well, I've added the next chapter of Skava, and I'll try to get to editing and adding Shadow Wolfwind's fanfiction soon. (Sorry for the delay!)

However, I now have the pleasure of introducing the new Get Inside the Mind! Forum for Writers! Five cheers! Go and take a look, have fun talking to fellow writers. And please, send an e-mail to say what you think!
-Mistress Gim

APRIL 18, 2005 - It's Monday and I haven't updated like I said I would. I meant to, but then I didn't expect to fall ill. I'll try to have it done by the end of the week, but I won't say certainly for fear of eating my words.
-Mistress Gim

APRIL 15, 2005 - By Sunday the latest I will update the fanfiction that Gim does have - not that it's much, though considering how annoying HTML can get after a few hours... But remember, Gim is always hungry for more fanfiction!

Anyway, if I don't do as I've said, flame me; Send in e-mails full of hate. I could use a good marshmellow roast.
-Mistress Gim

APRIL 7, 2005 - Next week I will have a large amount of time to dedicate to editing Gim; I should have Shadow Wolfwind's other fanfiction posted by the end of the break.

Also note, I'm always looking for more authors and their works to be held here, but I don't beg, so- PLEASE OH PLEASE SEND SOMETHING IN!
-Mistress Gim

MARCH 27, 2005 - There are two new authors (Shadow Wolfwind and Space Monkey Mafia), along with two new fanfiction, one from each author. I edited the formatting of all of the fanfiction to my perfectionistic satisfaction and liking, so I hope it looks neater. And I've brought all other pages concerned up-to-date. I also edited this page, converting the free text to be in a table as so. I like it better this way; it's easier to read, more organized.

I'm thinking of creating a forum page - one of those (relatively) small things where you can post, but I might not. We'll see; if it takes up too much space, I'll nix the idea, and if it doesn't, I'll have it up in a matter of weeks, about. I think that's about it.
-Mistress Gim

MARCH 11, 2005 - I've added a new author (Regicidal Dwarf) and fanfiction - respectfully said author's, edited the "404 Error" page, done a lot of page editing as I said I would, and finished the Search By Rating pages. And I (at least think I) updated all the other pages to fit the changes. ...My wrists hurt from so much typing...

Note that updates won't be so quick in coming all the time; but right now I have plenty of time on my hands. Relatively. Well, I'm off to bed for the next...er- well, a few hours, anyway; it's only three in the morning, after all....

-Mistress Gim

MARCH 10, 2005 - Today is the grande opening of Get Into the Mind! Go Gim! I added the backbone of the website in a self-best record of three hours! I feel so...accomplished. But let's see... Today, the Search By pages (Fanfiction by Author/Category/etc.), indexes, and two fanfiction went up on the internet. Quite a few pages, actually.

I also added a bit of a trick for the fanfiction pages themselves, where you read the story. I wonder if anyone would get it if I didn't say that you can change the backround color by choosing a different code in the scroll-down menu (as here, just for practice and fun). Too late, now; but I don't know if anyone reads these, anyway! I also plan to include clocks on the fanfiction pages when I remember to add them. (Or maybe I'll just add it to the main page; or just the Search By pages; or just the author pages; or...)

Well, I suppose that's it for today. For the next few days I'm going to calm down a bit on building, and concentrate more on some page editing. But I'll try to add those other Search By Rating pages soon; I just don't have any G, PG, PG-13, or NC-17 fanfiction as of yet, so I thought I could wait until later on adding those. Sorry if it's irksome!
-Mistress Gim