Benefits of Therapy
Therapy/Counseling has it's benefits for those of us dealing with and trying to cope with sexual abuse. Below are some of the ways that therapy/counseling can help you.
1. Assist you to commit to the treatment process by offering hope and by encouraging you to envision a picture in which your actions can lead to realistic life changes.
2. Help you develop a supportive, therapeutic relationship with your therapist.
3. Guide you making contact with the vulnerable child within.
4. Help you acknowledge and believe your sexual abuse memories and experience(s).
5. Challenge minimizing and denial of past and present abusive behaviors.
6. Begin the process of breaking your isolation and low self-esteem.
7. Help you recognize, label, and begin to express the full range of your feelings.
8. Confront your tendency to blame yourself and/or protect your abuser.
9. Assist you in learning to trust, feel safe, and reach out to others in forming healthy relationships.
10. Support your grieving process with compassion. This process involves expressing your feelings of loss, anger, and sadness.
11. Challenge the internalized negative beliefs about yourself. Replacing them with positive affirming beliefs and less distorted ones.
12. Increase your ability to make changes in your life based on what you want and feel.
13. Develop the development and expression of your spirituality and of your inherent creativity.
14. Teach you basic life skills in parenting, communication, decision-making, conflict resolution and boundary setting.
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