Steps to Healing
These are some steps to healing that I had found and can't remember where, but I thought I would add them here.
Know that healing is possible. It takes hard work but with with support you can heal and have your heart smile.
Decide today that you desire to be healed. It is a powerful choice, a positive first step.
Find someone to help you through this process. Do not do this alone. Do not harm yourself. Find people to talk to.
Nurture need extra care as you journey to heal. Be Gentle with you. Allow others to care for and about you.
It happened. To heal, you have to face the truth my friend. Tell someone worthy...they will be honored to listen to your heart.
Sexual Abuse is never a child's fault. There is never an excuse for a child to be abused. If you were abused, it was not your fault.
It is okay and natural to grieve. The way to move past our grief is to experience the pain and to honor our feelings. Grieving can allow a great sense of relief.
It is a natural response to abuse to be angry. Express it positively. Speaking out against abuse is one way. Anger can help us to take action and help to motivate us to positive changes.
It is not necessary to forgive the one who abused you in order to heal. You must forgive yourself for not knowing how to protect yourself, for needing the time now to heal and you must be compassionate and kind to yourself.
Spirituality is a strong source of healing power, strength, inspiration and love.
Note behaviors you wish to change. Find new ways to meet your needs. Have a good support system. Keep trying. Be Gentle with yourself. Give yourself credit for the hard work you are doing. Tell yourself how proud you are of yourself.
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