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Katrina's Astronomy Project Page

Want to learn about the Aussie contribution to Astronomy & Space?

Need some help with homework or a school project on Space?

Want to find about Astronomy or Space as a Hobby or Career?

Want to try creating your own Space pages - maybe download some really great Space photos?

Or just want to play a Space game?

You can find it all here and heaps more on your own Journey through Space on Katrina's Astronomy Project Pages - brought to you for a limited run in July 2005 by the TIGS in Space Virtual Planetarium & Space Centre.

Awsome Space Web Pages

Aboriginal Astronomy
Australian Astronauts
Australian Astronomy
Aussie Science Centres & Planetariums
Kiddinauts Space & Games Page
NASA Kidzstuf
Space Photos
Women's Space Careers
New Scientist Space Page
Careers in Astronomy & Space
Space History
Non Aussie Astronomy
Katz NASA Page
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