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The Sentinel Plot Bunny #1

True Crime Missing Scene

Characters used: Jim, Blair

Submitted by The Black Wolf



There is this scene True Crime, where, in the warehouse, Blair knocks one of the bad guys out with a baseball, then gets shot at. He pops back out, looking all scared and worried, and starts to check himself over. Then it changes over to Jim chasing the bad guy. The next scene is the reporter lady giving them tapes as a souvenir. So I figure, who is to say that Blair didn't get winged by a bullet in this scene. I mean, he is pale, and one arm is always hidden by a barrel. So here I was, all ready to write this border-line AU-ish missing scene. And I discovered something. I can't write a missing scene to save my soul. God, I am awful. Worst than awful. Did I mention that my pitiful attempt totally failed. In trying for weeks to write a short little h/c snippet of Jim finding Blair with a "flesh wound", and the resulting H/C I found that I just can't. So I plead please, please someone's muse out there...let this strike a cord. I would love to see a scene like this done, and I just can't write it myself. Really, I have tried. Anyone else want to give it a shot?

The Black Wolf