The Essays of Brother Anonymous
Spiritual Essays
Last revised: June 17, 2009
Dragons, Sirians, leylines, gridlines, galactics, celestials, Illuminati, Annunaki – what is going on here? What is this all about?
Well, let’s return to the basics.
What is the purpose of life? To know the truth of ourselves, to uncover our oneness with God, to discover our original nature.
How do I accomplish that? Any genuine path sincerely followed leads to God.
But others are so far ahead of me! Some will be fed in the morning, some in the afternoon, some in the evening, but all will be fed. Enlightenment, the divine journey itself is endless.
But, following this “ET path,” I have lost my way! In any direction you turn, there is My Face. Wherever you are, there am I, nearer than your nose.
Galactics, celestials, terrestrials, Agarthans – all of us share the same purpose in life.
All of us are walking in the same direction, from the same Origin to the same Destination. Around the circle we go, arcing, spiraling, away from unconsciousness towards full consciousness.
All of us are moving from darkness unto Light, from untruth to Truth, from death to Immortality.
Today we follow this path; tomorrow that. Today, this way of celebrating; tomorrow that. Today, this view of God; tomorrow that.
Emerging, expanding, realizing, sharing.
The Essays of Brother Anonymous
Spiritual Essays