The Essays of Brother Anonymous
Spiritual Essays
Last revised: Oct. 16, 2009.
On Oct. 14, SaLuSa posted an update saying:
Perhaps somewhat sooner than you might have anticipated, the first meaningful contact is soon to be announced. The news is already spreading like wildfire, and it is going to be a moment when history will be made. You have reached a new stage in this cycle that will see you move even further ahead, and all the promise of a new age will begin to unfold before your eyes.Does it not seem appropriate that at a time when you will be preparing to celebrate Christmas and the New Year, you will have another reason that will bring joy to so many of you. Between now and the end of the year the first official announcement of our existence will go ahead, and none other than President Obama will sit at that table. Over a period of time we had been anticipating a more open contact, but in keeping up with your likely re-action it has been decided to take a formal approach.
The message that you are to receive, whether direct or through President Obama will set the stage for a series of announcements. (1)
On Oct. 16, he posted another update saying:
As to be expected, the news about the declaration to be made acknowledging the existence of your Space friends has caused a stir. There are some of you who are cautiously accepting it, and that is always desirable where other events may eclipse it.However, as a high point in our plan, it can be taken as a positive move that will take place, unless the overseers decide otherwise. You have been awaiting such a first move not knowing from where it might come. Now it is nearly here, do not allow your expectations to run away with you. It is but the first of a whole chain of events that are planned.
Remember that all of our actions are dedicated to bringing you what is yours already by divine decree. They are based on the truth regarding your purpose for being here, and to ensure that you are fully prepared by the time Ascension is to take place. (2)
The second message caused some members of Share11 discussion group to question whether SaLuSa was in fact backing away from his original declaration.
Regarding SaLuSa's Oct. 16 message, I am not attached to one outcome over another, more than to finish up waiting. But it is encouraging to hear that the galactics are willing, under certain conditions, to name a date, if even only a range, such as "before Christmas."
I've looked at SaLuSa's latest too, as you have, and have a few comments, if you will allow me.
Looking into his update takes us into some new ground such as looking at the galactics' chain of command.
SaLuSa says:
"As to be expected, the news about the declaration to be made acknowledging the existence of your Space friends has caused a stir." (3)
SaLuSa says that the declaration of the date has been made and that that declaration has caused quite a stir.
Don't forget that we actually have observers on Share 11, though I am not permitted to share details. The galactics and the spiritual hierarchy do read what we and other groups post.
Moreover, Hatonn's comments during our birth as Share 11 should also show us that the galactics are in touch with what we say.
Steve Rosher in his latest post also talks about a member of "The Group" who actually watches the news. (4)
So I think it's safe to say the galactics hear us from many sources.
"There are some of you who are cautiously accepting it..."
Well, we actually did write in and say "I'm from Missouri," right? So we did cautiously accept it - or perhaps cautiously not accept it.
"...and that is always desirable where other events may eclipse it."
I can think of several events that could eclipse it.
The NWO is fighting back against the Earth allies and galactics with at least three countermeasures.
The first is by crashing the economy. That NWO move was originally designed to consolidate all financial power into the hands of the big fish who would scoop up all the smaller fish. Or so the plan went.
If you don't think the NWO has done this before, propelling countries into hardship or destitution, think of Indonesia, Thailand, Japan, Russia, and South Korea.
The Illuminati, through currency speculation by NWO brokerage houses like Salomon Brothers, crashed the economies of these countries.
The same firms then bought up the debt at pennies on the dollar but the IMF, willing handmaiden of the NWO that it is, made the countries pay the debt off at 100 cents on the dollar. No wonder some of those countries dislike and are wary of America. (5) So the NWO is now trying to do to the U.S. what it did to other countries, in order to rifle the till and gather power unto themselves. It was supposed to be only us they bankrupted, not themselves.
In the face of the economic crash, the galactics may decide to implement NESARA first. That would move accountability up as well because there's no sense implementing NESARA if the NWO is still operative. This could make the galactics move the date of disclosure forward or backward - most likely forward.
The second NWO countermeasure is causing a pandemic and consequent panic. The Illuminati are doing their best, pushing this stone uphill, huffing and puffing, trying to make a pandemic out of a pig's ear, so to speak.
We the People are pushing back. They are being litigated in court and exposed on the Internet.
Behind the pandemic lies a plan to bring in martial law and throw resisters into FEMA camps, as we heard from the young military woman who warned us of what the military and police were drilling for. That plan has been worked on for decades probably since before the 1967 Report from Iron Mountain, which reminded us that:
The basic authority of a modern state over its people resides in its war powers. ... On the long-term basis, a government's emergency war powers --inherent in the structure of even the most libertarian of nations -- define the most significant aspect of the relation between state and citizen. (6)
Oooooh-kay. We were warned.
The NWO would like the H1N1 flu and vaccination to provide the excuse for the government to use these "emergency war powers" on their own citizens. Goodbye to the Constitution.
The third NWO countermeasure would be to start a war, probably with China, perhaps using Taiwan as a client state. The galactics through SaLuSa have already said they would stop anything from going this far:
Again have no fear at the size of the task, as we can easily quieten the guns of war if there is any need to do so. (7)
It seems to me that the galactics hold five aces in their hand: disclosure, accountability, decloaking, NESARA, and First Contact. Which card they will play first we don't know.
Let's look at the rest of what SaLuSa has to say in his most recent message.
"However, as a high point in our plan, [disclosure] can be taken as a positive move that will take place, unless the overseers decide otherwise."
Who oversees the galactic plan? Atmos of Sirius suggests who some of the overseers are:
The Galactic Federation, along with the White Brotherhood and Elders, are the principle players in the process of preparing you not just for these final years to 2012, but beyond. (8)
In another message, SaLuSa describes them:
Behind all that happens are the mighty ones such as the Elders who direct all creation and observe the edicts of the Creator. They operate on an unimaginable scale, holding immense power that reaches through the different Universes. (9)
He goes on to say that they have given promises.
There is still much turmoil and chaos throughout the world, and instead of the dark being allowed to use it to advance their aims for global control, it will instead give the Lightworkers their opportunity to bring in the Light of Freedom.This will fulfill the promises made to you by the Councils of Light, headed by the Elders and other Higher Beings. (10)
Note the mention of "Higher Beings."
Undoubtedly these promises include that Earth will not descend into chaos and that the Planet and those inhabitants who choose will ascend on or before 2012.
Matthew does not name the levels of authority beyond the White Brotherhood in the passage in which he mentions them. It's not likely he is referring to the galactics because he talks often of them and so we do know about them. He says:
The powerful energy of souls you call ascended masters and the White Brotherhood and other light forces you don't know about has been intensifying on the planet and is available to each and every one of you. (11)
Sheldan Nidle's Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Federation (SHGF) say they follow the orders of the Elohim. I have seen allegations whose credibility I am not sure of that the Elders and the Elohim are the same, but establishing that link awaits further research.
“Our fleet is working with your Elohim to prepare for the great changes that are to come.” (12) Working closely “with the Elohim in charge of this quadrant of the galaxy …. is always a great privilege and a great honor!” (13)
Certainly the Elohim work at the level of worlds, as Helena Blavatsky makes clear.
According to her, they "are the vehicle for the manifestation of the Divine or Universal Thought and Will."
They are the Intelligent Forces that give to and enact in Nature her 'laws,' while themselves acting according to laws imposed upon them in a similar manner by still higher Powers. (14)
Notice that she too talks about hierarchy - "still higher Powers."
Nidle's SHGF also discusses the chain of command in a passage that is interesting enough to be looked at as a whole:
A preliminary step is the aforementioned consultation with your local Spiritual Hierarchy. In normal circumstances, we ascertain what is in the highest spiritual interests of the planet or star nation being considered.This forms the pivot of any first contact preliminaries. In your case, our presence here is the result of a special dispensation from Lord Surea. ....
Without this special dispensation and the focused intercession of Heaven the present level of contact would not be where it is today.
Heaven knows that you are a most special case, and we are therefore detailed to intervene extensively in your affairs. The dark knows this, and wishes it were otherwise! (15)
So the Galactic Federation consults with the local Spiritual Hierarchy, which has its own levels from the ascended masters of the White Brotherhood on up. The Sirian branch of the GF also takes orders from Lord Surea. All parties follow "Heaven's" decree. Lord Surea is the hierarch of the Sirius star system, the head of the Great Blue Lodge of Sirius and the Council of Nine. (16) It would take an entire article to discuss the Sirian chain of command.
Notice that none of the three mentions the angels, like Archangel Michael. So they are not exhaustive in their references.
The spiritual hierarchy has various levels and each level takes its divine command from those above it. The ladder ascends all the way to God. (Again this is a subject for several articles.)
People used to punitive terrestrial hierarchies find the very notion of spiritual hierarchies repugnant, but all the spirit and galactic sources I have read say that advancement in hierarchy is by virtue and acceding to rule is the most natural thing in the world, such is the love that emanates from the one further advanced towards God than the other. (17)
Keep in mind what Matthew said about the number of councils there are among the beings in the universe.
There are countless galactic and intergalactic federations, councils, unified forces, experiencing clusters, collective-soul energy fields, free-spirit civilizations and other organized souls in this universe. (18)
The Galactic Federation is just one of these and individual star nations have their own high councils, from whom they receive messages and instructions, all of this coordinated.
Here is Lauren Gorgo describing attending a Pleiadian High Council meeting, which may be the same as the SHGF saying they take orders from Lord Surea. (I don't know.)
On April seventh I had an unplanned "meeting" with the Pleiadian elders, also known as the Pleiadian High Council. During what seemed like a personal intervention, I was surrounded by a powerful group of souls and given these words to share...The Countdown Has Begun. (19)
So SaLuSa is not backing down by suggesting that the galactics await orders for their moves:
We now await our call to announce First Contact, and it is an exciting prospect for us after all of this time. We are absolutely ready for immediate action, and have fully equipped ourselves for the multi-tasks that lie ahead. (20)
It is clear that they are following a plan that has been worked out many levels above themselves. That's why SaLuSa does not speak as if the entire decision on what to do rests with the galactic force surrounding Earth. Apparently it does not.
Let's return to SaLuSa:
"You have been awaiting such a first move not knowing from where it might come. Now it is nearly here, do not allow your expectations to run away with you. It is but the first of a whole chain of events that are planned."
This passage could have a number of meanings. He may be saying: do not let your hopes rise that all the other events like accountability, etc., would happen as soon as disclosure is made. Perhaps there will be a pause for any number of reasons.
He may be saying that, as Steve Rosher suggested in his recent message, the people of Earth take two steps forward with disclosure and then some other circumstance happens (like an NWO countermeasure) and they take one step back. And the galactics know ahead of time that we do.
SaLuSa concludes:
"Remember that all of our actions are dedicated to bringing you what is yours already by divine decree. They are based on the truth regarding your purpose for being here, and to ensure that you are fully prepared by the time Ascension is to take place."
I don't see this as waffling. I hear SaLuSa reminding us that the galactics have a divine but flexible plan which can be modified to suit the circumstances with us, keeping in mind that the NWO is taking countermeasures to foil the galactics' plan and that we ebb and flow in our support for the galactics.
Nonetheless, the galactics' actions are based on the truth of our being here: that truth is that we are here on an experimental dip into duality to gain experience, followed by an exiting from duality through ascension on or before 2012.
We are following the stages of evolution laid out in the Mayan calendar, which modern science is piece by piece validating, according to Sol Luckman and David Wilcock. (21)
But, hey, I do not know what events will occur or when. This is the first time I have heard SaLuSa commit himself to a date, if even a range, and that for me is reason for enthusiasm.
At least I now know the galactics will actually commit themselves to dates and that we can expect a degree of forewarning. That has really given me an energy boost.
But, as you've noted, we've been grievously disappointed in the past in the 2012 movement. And others of us have come through the ranks of disappointing gurus. We cannot do anything else than wait and see.
(1) SaLuSa, Oct. 14, 2009, at
(2) SaLuSa, Oct. 16, 2009, ibid.
(3) ibid.
(4) The Group, "Greetings from Home," Oct. 15, 2009, through Steve Rosher, Message 8576, Share11, at
(5) Michel Chossudovsky, "Financial Warfare," 1998, at Google other articles by Michel Chossudovsky in the series he produced around this time.
(6) The Report from Iron Mountain: On the Possibility and Desirability of Peace. New York: Dial Press, 1967. The full quote is:
"The basic authority of a modern state over its people resides in its war powers. ... On a day-to-day basis, it is represented by the institution of police, armed organizations charged expressly with dealing with "internal enemies" in a military manner.
"Like the conventional 'external' military, the police are also substantially exempt from many civilian legal restraints on their social behavior. In some countries, the artificial distinction between police and other military forces does not exist. On the long-term basis, a government's emergency war powers --inherent in the structure of even the most libertarian of nations -- define the most significant aspect of the relation between state and citizen. "
(7) SaLuSa, Dec. 8, 2008, ibid.
(8) Atmos, Aug. 28, 2009,
(9) SaLuSa, Dec. 19, 2008, ibid.
(10) SaLuSa, Dec. 10, 2008, ibid.
(11) Matthew's Message, Sept. 24, 2008, at
(12) Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Federation, through Sheldan Nidle, Sept. 2, 2008 at
(13) SHGF, June 24, 2008 at
(14) H.P. Blavatsky, An Abridgement of the Secret Doctrine. Ed. Elizabeth Preston and Christmas Humphreys. Wheaton, Ill: Theosophical Publishing House, 1968, p. 21.
(15) SHGF, Aug. 19, 2008 at
(16) “Questions and Answers 1” through Sheldan Nidle, at and SHGF, Aug. 13, 2002, through Sheldan Nidle, Galactic Federation of Light: Updates Archive 1997-2007, at
(17) For spiritual sources on hierarchy, see "Hierarchy," New Maps of Heaven, at For galactic sources on hierarchy, see "The Reality of Hierarchy," First Contact, at . (18) Matthew's Message, Sept. 21, 2009, at
(19) Lauren Gorgo, "The Countdown Begins," April 19, 2009 at
(20) SaLuSa, Dec. 15, 2008, ibid.
(21) See Sol Luckman, "The Shift in Human Consciousness: Parts II & III (Audio Seminar Transcript)," at .
Luckman is the co-founder of the Phoenix Center for Regenetics and DNA Monthly Newsletter. For the first, see and, the second,
David has given his science in many places now. See his tour de force at the Awake and Aware Conference, Sept. 20, 2009, at, on C2C, Oct. 6, 2009, at, on his Oct. 10, 2009 audioblog, at His website is