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What's New

August 4, 2003

Just wanted to let whoever visits this site (not many I bet - heh) that I will not be updating this page for I have gotten a blurty! Here's the address (just click and there you go!):

July 1, 2003

Well, I changed my classes somewhat. I am now taking Introductory Fiction Writing instead of Business Communication Using Technology. I'm kind of looking forward to that, especially since I really enjoyed writing when I was younger (and kind of good at it, if I do say so myself). I'm just hoping that I can get that spark back again and maybe even get some income doing it.

Today, I am happy to say, it seems as if my family's plans are becoming more cemented and for sure. We've been in a sort of limbo for this one space for lease in NW Portland (we want to open up a cafe-deli), and now a proposal has been drawn up for the owner and we are just waiting to hear back from him. I am going to be a co-owner/partner in this, and I am kind of nervous, but I don't think it has really sunk in yet. I'm kind of worried about all the work that is going to be involved with this place, but I'm also kind of excited as to its possibilities. Also, this way, if I decide to, I can freelance write. Although becoming a travel writer might be kind of hard with this (which I've been thinking of or awhile)...

I am now almost fully sure of my major: Double major in English (minor in Professional Writing) and Business, with options in General Management and International Business. With maybe Finance thrown in there, I don't know, I need to figure out how many credits this will be. Eek.

I also applied (although the term is used loosely because I don't even know if they are looking for this position) for a copy editor's position for The Portland Spectator (a kind of conservative views newsletter for my university). One thing that I have noticed about Portland State's publications (Vanguard, Rearguard, etc.), is that people do not know how to spell, nor do they know anything about grammar, usually. It drives me nuts, and I want to fix them. So hopefully I'll get that.

June 25, 2003

Well, I am no longer employed as of this Saturday. Wasn't even my fault! The owners sold the place, so I am officially laid off. I'm kind of sad seeing as how I was making it to my one year anniversary there. Oh well. Gonna miss my tip money as well.

Finished Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix on Monday the 23rd! Waited at Borders for my copy from 10:30 pm June 20th, to 2:00 am June 21st. Then I went home and slept. hehe It was good. Except for Sirius dying. That made me bawl to no end. Seriously. Poor Sirius. I love Sirius. JKR better not kill off Lupin, or I may have to hunt her down.

AND... I AM GOING TO MAUI FOR <counts fingers> FIVE DAYS AND FOUR NIGHTS!!! So excited. My friend and I are planning on going snorkeling, kayaking, going to a luau, parasailing, and I think I am missing one other thing, but that is ok because it is seriously going to be so much fun!!! More exclamation points!!! Gonna take a chunk out of my savings account, but that is ok because I AM GOING TO MAUI!!!

May 30, 2003

Woo. Long time since I updated. Let's see...

I registered for classes for fall. I'm going to be taking First Year German, Science and Pseudoscience (really excited about that one), Business Communication using Technology, and Personal Finance (which will be a web based course). I'm taking 16 credits, and going to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays again, huzzah!

Been thinking about the ever-looming decision that I have to make: choosing a major. I'm still torn up about Business and English. I may just do a double major in Business and English, with business options in Human Resources Management (or General Management), Finance (or Accounting), and Information Systems, with an International certificate attached, and with an English minor in Professional Writing... Wait. That sounds like a lot of credits. I may need to figure this out...

My archery classes ended last Wednesday. So sad. They don't start up again until October. I averaged a score of 36 I think, with a high score of 64, not too shabby. So now I'm thinking of taking either fencing or classical guitar. Or both. It is summer soon and I want to keep semi-busy.

I cannot wait for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix to come out. I am so excited!!!

I found these super cool Union Jack shoes online that I want to get. They're $50 though. <sigh>

A while ago, I saw the after effects of a suicide jump, meaning I didn't see him jump but I did see him on the ground. He jumped from the sky bridge connected to the BA building, which is only two stories high. Almost brought up the lunch I never ate. Turns out, the guy died the same night. I'm sorry, but not to be too selfish or anything (this is just my opinion), suicide is a personal matter, do not subject other people to it.

March 18, 2003

Well, it's 4:30 in the freakin' morning and I can't sleep. And I have an American Literature final at 10:15... Joy.

Debating whether or not to get my tattoo after my final... Hopefully, Drat's working.

Oh, yes... I did finish that paper for my AL class and I think it turned out ok. Took me about 4 hours total I believe. Not too shabby, considering I hadn't done any research for it prior to that day. Well, maybe it was about 6 hours total with the research. Oh well. Whatever.

And it never fails. I have a cold. I think I had a cold during my last finals week too. Stupid cold. <bangs head>

March 9, 2003

Don't want to go to work. Blah. They cut my Saturdays, morons. My manager said it wasn't permanent and that he hoped it only lasted a couple of weeks, but he doesn't know much, so that doesn't help me. Blah.

Still haven't started on my big American Lit. essay. Oops. Probably will start tomorrow... But I did finish my Faith and Reason paper in about an hour and a half/two hours, so that's good.

Need more money... Yes, I do.

Registered for classes, and next term I am taking Psychology as a Natural Science, Intro. to Business and World Affairs, and yet again, Faith and Reason. Yay! <add sarcasm>

March 7, 2003

Hmm... Not much going on at the moment. Decided I want to get an industrial piercing, but I'm still kinda nervous about that one. Don't know where to go get it done, either Black Hole or Adorn Body Art. Heard Black Hole was good, so I may just bum a ride with a buddy and go get it done in a couple of weeks. Or I may just go spur of the moment to Adorn and get it done by myself. I don't know. Want to get my foot tattoo, not nervous about that at all, just need to go down there and get it done, but I'm lazy... And lazy isn't good if you want to go somewhere to get something done!

If I have to do a Psych. project next term, I decided I am going to do a study on body mod's and when college students get them, or want to get them. My theory is that it is at the end/near the end of term/finals week most likely. Only based on about three subjects at the moment though; my friend got her cartilage pierced at the end of last term, she wants to get another piercing now (at the end/near the end of this term), and I have an extreme need to go get my tattoo and industrial done (also at the end/near the end of this term). Another friend just told me that she got her tongue pierced just a bit ago. Hmm. It would be interesting to see, I think.

Procrastinating like hell, have two essays and a presentation for one of those essays due on Thursday the 13th and I haven't even started yet. Oops! Better get cracking!

Feb. 28, 2003

Other shoe dropped. Ok, remember Ben? Cute guy at work? Thinks I'm cute? Riiiiiiight. Well, turns out, he thinks I'm too young. PLEASE! I am freakin' LEGAL! LEGAL! Had this problem a couple years ago with a 22 year old (I was 16 at the time, not legal at all), after he found out I was 16, he kept his distance. And, turns out that the fact that I thought Ben was cute, went around the restaurant, then the bar, so everyone knows about it, which, one would think, would bother me, but it doesn't. What bothers me, is the fact that I AM NOT TOO FREAKIN' YOUNG! GRRRRR! Since I knew that word gets around, I decided to show him that word gets around as well. I was bussing a table and he was headed to the bar, so I called him over. Here's how it went:

Me: So... you think I'm too young?

Ben: <smiles kind of sheepishly and looks down>                                                                                                                             

Me: Yeah, word gets around this place.<smiles>                                              

Ben: Yeah, I'm sorry. 

Me: <shakes head> That's ok. <drops glass, shakes head again, Ben walks off after stuttering a couple of times>

<screams> God, sometimes, I think I am going to end up a spinster. Sarrah (girl that I work with) was the one who told me that word got around that I thought Ben was cute, and she also said that he was a druggie and stuff and that I could do better. How can I "do better" if I can't even find a guy to go out with? Not to mention that I'm PMSing and I feel really shitty right now. As soon as I got to my car I felt like crying. I hate guys. They're more trouble than they're worth. <sigh> But a few of them are just so damn cute... Bastard. What a chicken. Too young. Almost makes me wanna dress all slutty and show him what he's missing. Almost.

Feb. 25, 2003

WOOHOO! I rawk! I got my English midterm (three essays total) back today and I got a 96/99! YES!!! Eeeeeeeeee! I'm having a good week so far... I should be waiting for the other shoe to drop, huh? Why am I so pessimistic? Can I borrow someone's optimism, please? Just for a little while. I swear I'll give it back...

My Faith and Reason prof's wife had a baby. He won't be back for another two weeks. Yes!

Feb. 24, 2003

Hmm. Things are interesting. That guy that I found so cute, well, I guess he thinks I'm cute too (she asked him what he thought of me, and other than stating the obvious, "I don't really know her", he did tell her that he found me cute, so that's a nice little confidence booster). My friend at work is trying to play a matchmaker type role, and I guess she talked to him about me. Seems that he figured out that it's me who finds him cute (duh, I wasn't joking around with him and talking to him every chance I could for no reason <rolls eyes> I kind of made it obvious. LOL), but of course, he's shy and we barely know each other other than the typical friendly exchange, so whether anything happens is speculative. I don't want to make him feel like he has to follow through with... well, anything. But it would be nice if he asked me out. The girl at work said that they agreed to talk more about me (um, yay <insert sarcasm>) later on. She even gave me the glowing recommendation of saying that out of all the people she works with, I'm by far the nicest and her favorite (awww). So that was good.

Also almost killed him today, which wouldn't have been good. I spilled Italian dressing all over the floor, and he almost fell in it trying to give me my till. Oops.

Have a math mid... mid term (it's like my second one) tomorrow. Hoping I do well, don't want to go to school, but alas, I must. Can't wait till Friday when I go to work. hehe

Feb. 21, 2003

Gah! Why do I have to be so freakin' shy? And why is it that Xio decided to play matchmaker? It always turns out bad... Although she did find out that the guy I find cute is 25. GAAAAAHHHHH! As soon as I think a guy may know that I think he's cute or whatnot, I clam up! It's hard for me to even look at him now! Sheesh. I'm horrible with guys. Shoot me now.

Feb. 17, 2003

Work is ok. Well, better than ok. Got a couple of nice eye candy-people there... hehe Thank God for small favors.

School's ok too. I have to pick classes soon (again! It's going by so freakin' fast!), and I don't have the slightest idea of what to take. Not a good sign.

Feb. 12, 2003

Hate job, hate people at job. Or, well, hate person at job. The rest are ok.

Made ass of self in front of boss. Claimed computer screwed up my till, wasn't going to go home without any tips, yadda yadda yadda. Turns out it was human error (read: mine).

Greatly dislike Faith and Reason Professor. If his threat of making us do debates all next term instead of papers comes to pass, I will dislike him even more.

What to major in: English or Aerospace Engineering? Decisions, decisions...