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Classroom Procedures and Rules

Class Requirements


Every science student is required to keep an up-to-date 1-1/2 in. 3-ring binder. There should be 6 dividers to help keep students organized. From time to time students will be tested on the contents of the notebook pages. This reinforces good note-taking and organizational skills. Notebooks will be periodically checked for 2 letter grade.

Classroom Rules

Students are expected to exhibit respect for themselves, peers, and teachers. Read class rules and then both parent and student must sign at the bottom of the page. By signing you indicate that you understand and will follow the class rules.

  1. Listen to directions.
  2. Enter and exit prepared.
  3. Always get to class on time.
  4. Respect yourself and others.
  5. Never give up and try your best!

A student’s conduct is observed daily. In a 9-week period, if student fails to follow any of the classroom rules, a conduct cut will be given. Each conduct cut deducts 5 points from your starting 100 points. After 9 conduct cuts you will receive an “F” in conduct for the nine weeks.

Homework Policy

It is your responsibilities to ensure that all class work/ homework assignments are submitted to Mrs. Valdes in a timely fashion. This will help you develop life learning skills and allows you to take on a greater role in your education.

Homework assignments should be expected Monday through Friday. Weekend homework might include studying for tests and research on special projects. Every homework assignment is worth 1 grade. Make sure that all papers have correct headings before turning them in. Work with no name will be discarded. Never put work on Mrs. Valdes’s desk and/or do not hand papers to Mrs. Valdes. Always turn work into your class period box.

Late Homework Policy

Students must read and follow the SAP in order to stay current with Science Class Activities and homework assignments. Homework that is not turned in on due date will not be accepted. No exceptions! Late homework due to absences will only be accepted if absence is excused. The day you return to science class bring a note explaining your absence. Immediately hand in the homework that was due on the day you were absent.

Missed Classwork/Homework

Assignments missed due to excused absences shall be given to student on the day of his/her return to school. These assignments are to be turned in for the following class period (unless stated otherwise by teacher) in order to receive full merits. Any assignment not turned in by the appropriate time shall receive a "0" letter grade. Unexcused absences means that any missed assignments will be graded as "Z" zero grade. Missed labs with an excused absence will be excused in the grade book with an "X." An "X" means the assignment is excused.


Quizzes are given on any day of the week and are worth 1 letter grade. Thursday’s or Friday’s are designated by the school as test days for Science. Tests are worth 2 letter grades.

Lab Grades

Students will engage on weekly hands-on investigations. These labs and group assignments are worth 1-2 letter grades.

Extra Credit

Sometimes, students will be offered an extra credit opportunity. These are carefully limited to 4 points every grading period. They are considered to be supplemental to required assignments. They will not be accepted in lieu of required work.

Extra Credit

Sometimes, students will be offered an extra credit opportunity. These are carefully limited to 4 points every grading period. They are considered to be supplemental to required assignments. They will not be accepted in lieu of required work.

No Homework Procedure

If student does not have homework on due date, you must fill out a yellow form by the homework bin and get parent signature and turn into the bin.

Incomplete Work

Any incomplete class work or homework assignment turned into the box will be marked as incomplete and will receive an “F.”

"There is no substitute for hard work." Thomas A. Edison

Essentials for Parents To Know

Your child will always have a Science Assignment Packet (SAP):

  1. It describes class work.
  2. It details homework.
  3. It guides your child's organizational skills.

Monitoring Your Child's Grade

Get an up-to-date view of your child's grade by going online. Go to the Carver Website. Find the Parent Portal.

Things To Do At Home To Help Your Child Excel in School
  1. Read with your child everyday for 30 minutes.
  2. Find graphs and charts in newspapers and discuss them with your child.
  3. Set up a homework station, include a dictionary, calculators, supplies, etc.
  4. Set up a homework routine for your child to experience outside the school such as: museums, parks, Everglades, and beaches.