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Astronomy Scavenger Hunt

Welcome avid solar sleuths! Before accepting your first mission please read all of the directions below! Warning, if you miss any directions you risk failing the mission which leads to a failing grade. Prepare for briefing.
You will need the following supplies for your mission:

  1. sheet of paper
  2. pen or pencil

Make sure to answer all questions on your mission sheet.
Mission #1:
You must do some research on auroras. Please find out the following:
  1. What are auroras?
  2. What are the 4 most common gases in our atmosphere?
  3. Define magnetic poles and sketch the image which represents the earth's magnetic poles.
  4. What is plasma?

I, Accept Mission
I, Decline Mission
Mission #2:
Learn more about black holes! Are they really invisible vacuums in sapce leading to another world? You'll need to fins out the following:
  1. Do all stars become black holes?

I, Accept Mission
I, Decline Mission
Mission #3:
OK, now we need data on the following:
  1. What was the Shoemaker-Levy 9?
  2. What happened to it?

I, Accept Mission
I, Decline Mission
Mission #4:
Learn about light!! Look for the following:
  1. Who first observed the visible light spectrum?
  2. Where does the name come from?
  3. How fast does light travel?
  4. Why do the colors get spread out in a prismic glass and in rainbows?

I, Accept Mission
I, Decline Mission
Mission #5
Just a few more questions to go....
  1. What is representative sampling?
  2. Why do scientist use it?

I, Accept Mission
I, Decline Mission
Mission #6
Electromagnetic Spectrum
  1. What are the three ways that electromagnetic waves are described?
  2. Why do scientists use it?

I, Accept Mission
I, Decline Mission
Mission #7
Brain Pop
  1. Watch the movie.
  2. Take the quiz.

I, Accept Mission
I, Decline Mission
Congratulations on completing all of the assigned missions. For all your hard work, we here at G.W. Carver Space Station would like to give you some free time. Have fun and enjoy!
Accept Mission, Absolutely!

Illustrate an interesting fact you learned on an index card for homework. Due next class!! (list the URL or web address where you found this fact in BLUE LETTERS on the front of the indez card. Name on the backside.

Stellar Space Sites!