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Tuesday, 13 April 2004

So you think Bush made his speech and hung up his spacesuit.
Mood:  quizzical
Topic: Space Politics
We in space activist community that are not involved in the day to events of the space program. Have only seen little snippets of whats going on with the president space initiative. First planning takes time second we are only seeing a small piece of what is going on. i have know found a source to keep us the general public informed of the major developments on the president's commission. We can watch the forums and seminars of the President Commission Moon, Mars and Beyond at this web address check it out.

Posted by space2/neophysicsman at 10:26 AM CDT | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post

Tuesday, 16 March 2004

Using Space to invigorate the economy
Mood:  bright
Topic: Space Politics
Senator Kucinich may not have much of a chance getting elected.But this proposal is very close to what I advocate. Maybe we can find a way to get some traction around this issue.

What makes this a good plan.
1) It is a forward looking vision of the future.

2)Improves the job market with sustained well paying jobs.

3)Improves our economy by providing jobs and returning investment back to our economy through design, manufacture, and infrastructure.

I believe these things are important to our future. While we see many of our jobs being sent overseas. This would insure that we have a viable economy at home.

Theron Lutz
Neo Physics Labs

This press release was sent out on march 9th 2004Dennis J. Kucinich:
New Initiatives in Space Exploration

As a member of the generation that came of age watching the first humans soar into the outer reaches of our atmosphere, then to Earth orbit, and then to the moon, I am keenly interested in continuing the peaceful exploration of space.

The Space Exploration Act of 2003, which I cosponsored, restores a vision for the United States human space flight program. It outlines a series of incremental goals over the next 20 years that will facilitate the scientific exploration of the solar system, aid in the search for life elsewhere in the universe, and rekindle the spirit of discovery that created this nation. These goals include the development of reusable space craft that will be able to rendezvous with near-Earth orbit asteroids, carry humans from lunar orbit to the surface of the Moon and back, and carry humans from low Earth orbit to and from Martian orbit. A human-tended habitation and research facility on the surface of one of the moons of Mars is also among its goals.

The exploration of space is in our national interest for a number of reasons.

- A bold and sustained human space exploration initiative has the potential to inspire a new generation of young people in the same way as the Apollo program did.

- Completion of the International Space Station has the potential to engage the international community in peaceful cooperation in space.

- By working in partnership with the private sector, NASA will lead the way in developing new technologies in energy, materials, communication, medicine, and propulsion. It will create the industries of the future and new high-tech jobs.

- The jobs created by a space program are located in cities and towns throughout the United States. By increasing the budget for space exploration, we are putting Americans back to work in a visionary industry that has no limits to creativity or imagination.

I believe that one of the best investments we could make for the future of America would be to triple the budget for NASA. The current budget for NASA is far from adequate. Our shuttle fleet is based on 30-year old technology only because of a lack of funding. Although the shuttle program requires $4 billion a year to operate, NASA has been forced to operate the shuttle with a budget of only $3 billion a year.

Increasing the funding to NASA would be an empty gesture if we failed to invest in the human capital of the aerospace industry. Only six of every 100 American engineering students are training to pursue careers in aerospace. This must change if we hope to restore our prominence in space technology. Initiatives such as designing new spacecraft, new propulsion systems, and planning international missions into space will help to renew national interest in NASA and its programs.

Like hundreds of millions people worldwide, I stood in awe of the remarkable pictures beaming back to earth from NASA's Mars Rover, 'Spirit.' A Kucinich administration will promote a bold and sustained human space flight initiative of scientific exploration that will build on the amazing accomplishments we have already seen.

Source: Kucinich Press Office

Posted by space2/neophysicsman at 7:20 PM CST | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post

Monday, 15 March 2004

High probability of intelligent communication traffic coming from the area of HD 195019
Mood:  lucky
As with many space enthusiasts and Amateur Scientists. I have been running Seti Data on my computer.

Recently I started using a new Seti account and on the fifth data set I hit a high quality candidate. The type of data has several varied pulses and triplets that are at different frequencies that could be interpreted as radio chatter across a large spectrum.

Does this sound familiar to what you would find in an inhabited star system?

HD 195019is a known star system that has a planet that is 3.5 times larger than Jupiter. This planet has a orbit that is closer to its star than Mercury is to ours. But what makes it more interesting is the star is a class M the same as ours. Lastly a interesting aspect of this finding is that the star system is part of a binary star system. It has a sister that is 150 AU from itself "HD 195019".

This tell us, that there is a high probability of a large amount of material for planet creation in this star system. Giving any intelligent life an easy to obtain foot hold in there quest for knowledge and space flight.

Amazingly this system is only 65 light years away from earth and the planet has a highly stable orbit.

Theron Lutz
Neo Physics Labs

Posted by space2/neophysicsman at 12:00 AM CST | Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post
Updated: Sunday, 14 March 2004 11:44 PM CST

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