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Culture Report - Alqui - Planet Oceania
Filed 2-11-2003
Filed by Starla Williams, Expedition Team Leader, Team 3C
The Alqui culture is a tribal one. There are Alqui villages in all parts of the oceans. Each village is headed by a female, who is elected, then rules for the rest of her life. All villages fall under the rule of the Queen. While technically the head of the entire Alqui race, she doesn't make laws or interfere with the villages. Her only function (legally) is to settle disputes between villages and deal with any cases of village heads abusing their powers (rare). The Queen is chosen from the village heads. People can move between villages as often as they like, but if chosen as village head and position accepted they can never move again (unless the entire village moves). The Alqui are a peaceful people and apparently have never had a war among themselves. They have people trained in fighting, but these are for defense, mainly against other creatures living in the ocean. The Alqui are a sociable group and willing to talk about their culture, but seem to prefer to mind their own business when it comes to above-water politics.

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