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Culture Report - Faaith - Planet Oceania
Filed 2-11-2003
Filed by Starla Williams, Expedition Team Leader, Team 3C
The Faaith culture is based on a monarchy. The Faaith have four different "avana" or kingdoms. Rule is passed down to the oldest child , regardless of gender. There are also a few small settlements that rule themselves. Since the culture of each group is very similar, I went ahead and wrote them up together. The Faaith have no warriors or weaponry, and do not promote strength in arms as a virtue. Wisdom and artistry are the most prized instead. For defense, the Faaith trust to their ability to camoflauge and evade. They can run very quickly, fly, and are masters of stealth. The Faaith interact more with the human cultures than the Alqui do, but seem to prefer not to discuss themselves.

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