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Climate Report - Planet Oceania
Filed 1-19-2003
Filed by Starla Williams, Expedition Team Leader, Team 3C
My notes on the climate - it's great! Send sunscreen, we're staying. Or to put it scientifically - the luminosity of the system's sun is greater, so the climate here is warmer. Also, due to the fact that the planet's axis is not tilted, there are no seasons. Approximately one-half (.5) of the planet's landmass has a tropical climate. The rest is mostly temperate. The only artic-tundra climate area is a small region on the northern edge of the northern continent, where there are some mountains. On the weather, there are some rainy areas, mainly along the coasts, and some dry areas, caused by the mountain ranges blocking rain clouds. There are two desert areas, one on each continent. Both deserts are caused by having a mountain range on either side of the area. On average, rainfall is little more than Earth's.

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