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Species Report - Faaith - Planet Oceania
Filed 2-11-2003
Filed by Starla Williams, Expedition Team Leader, Team 3C
The Faaith are the second of the three races. They typically inhabit the wooded areas of the world, although you can occasionally find one who has settled among humans. The Faaith are typically tall (5'8" to 7'8" being considered normal) and slim. These beings have hollow bones, like a bird. This causes them to be easily injured, but also makes them very light. With this and their height, they are naturals at tree climbing. Their feet are rather tough-soled, so they wear no shoes. With their light weight and slender form, this allows them to get into almost any place unnoticed. Human ears cannot hear a Faaith's footsteps. Hair is usually shades of green or brown (including dirt-blond and auburn). Skin tones range from light tan to deep tan, with a greenish tint (what we would term an olive complexion). Hair is usually worn short to keep it from tangling in tree branches. The Faaith have very long fingers. Their features are supernaturally beautiful (by human standards). They have thick eyebrows, large sparkling eyes (usually green, brown, or deep purple) with extremely long eyelashes, a straight classic nose, a full sweetheart mouth, and high cheekbones. Their skin shimmers in the light. (Fashion Note: Due to excessive tree climbing, girls do not grow out or paint their fingernails.) Due to the hollow bones, the Faaith are not very physically strong. In hand-to-hand combat, a human would easily win. However, it seems impossible to take one by surprise, and they are very fast runners and expert at hiding themselves. There is also some preliminary evidence that they may have magical powers, but all of the Faaith that we have spoken to deny this.

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