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Culture Report - Human North - Planet Oceania
Filed 2-11-2003
Filed by Starla Williams, Expedition Team Leader, Team 3C
The Northern kingdom is called Kalasha. This kingdom is a monarchy. Males usually inherit, but the title can pass to whatever child the ruler wishes, including females. This group lives in a mostly tropical climate, so clothing is skimpy and skin tones usually very tanned. The Kalashan love to swim and are more closely allied with the Alqui than the other human groups. Much of Kalashan art has an aquatic influence. The Kalashan also have more contact with the Faaith than that of other humans and even have a Faaith kingdom set up within what they claim as their own (The Faaith are their friends and the humans don't want to live in the rain forest anyway, so this isn't a problem). Because of this, the Kalashan tend to value artistry and wisdom above material possessions or strength. Their standards for beauty also reflect the Faaith standards, with the exception of hair, which is usually worn long (male and female).

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