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Culture Report - Human Split - Planet Oceania
Filed 2-11-2003
Filed by Starla Williams, Expedition Team Leader, Team 3C
The kingdom of Kordan is the most warfaring of the three. The government follows the Alqui model, with two major differences. Village heads are always male; and the villages usually (not always) settle things themselves (by words or war). The king has much more power over the villages than in the Alqui culture. Minor skirmishes between tribes are considered normal (diff. tribes wanting more land, stealing food or cattle, whatever). One thing not done is stealing land from outside the borders. The other countries and races are (very tenative) allies now, and this helps the economy through trade. While their current king (Millekan DeVere IV) is a militaristic dictator, he seems to realize that, and leaves the other countries alone.

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