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Planetary Data

An explanation of the data is given at the bottom of the page

  • Length of Day - 108000 seconds (30 Earth hours)
  • Length of Year - 33696000 seconds (312 Planetary Days)
  • Angle of Axis of Rotation - O degrees
  • Direction of Rotation - West to East
  • Equitorial Radius - 4066.38 miles
  • Equitorial Diameter - 8132.76 miles
  • Equitorial Circumference - 25549.82 miles
  • Polar Radius - 4066.38 miles
  • Polar Diameter - 8132.76 miles
  • Polar Circumference - 25549.82 miles
  • Oblateness - 2.0 * 10^-14
  • Mass - 1.43 * 10^25
  • Density - 344.7 pounds/cubic foot
  • Composition - 75% water, 25% landmass
  • Surface Gravity - .00000134 pounds/square foot

As compared to Planet Earth:
Oceania is a larger planet than Earth (greater equitorial circumference). Because of this, it takes the planet longer to rotate on its axis, causing the day to be longer (by 6 hours). Oceania is also farther from its sun, causing the time required to circle the sun to be longer and giving the planet a year that is 312 of their days. The axis of rotation is 0, meaning that on Oceania there are no seasons. Whatever the climate is in a particular area, it will be about that temperture year round. The direction of rotation is west to east, meaning that the sun will rise in the east and set in the west. The oblateness is a measure of how "flat" the planet is. As a planet spins, centrifugal force causes the planet to flatten out a tiny bit. The circumference around the equator will be slightly larger than the circumference around the poles. Since this planet is larger, and spins more slowly, the oblateness is smaller than that of Earth's. Oceania's oblateness is so small that the measurements we have for equitorial and polar circumference are not precise enough to show the difference. The density of Oceania is less than that of Earth, which causes the gravity to be slightly less as well. You feel a little lighter there. The surface of the planet is 75% water, as compared to 70% for Earth.

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