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System Data

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ExtraPlanetary Bodies
  • Time Difference For Stars - 276.92 seconds
  • Number Of Planets In Solar System - 1
  • Number Of Moons - 2
Moon 1
  • Rotational Period - 5184000 seconds/48 planetary days
  • Orbital Period - 5184000 seconds/48 planetary days
  • Orbital Inclination - 32 degrees
  • Distance To Planet - 500000 miles
  • Diameter - 1980000 miles
  • Density - 30 pounds/cubic foot
  • Composition - Gaseous
  • Color - Pale Sapphire
Moon 2
  • Rotational Period - 2592000 seconds/24 planetary days
  • Orbital Period - 2592000 seconds/24 planetary days
  • Orbital Inclination - 40 degrees
  • Distance To Planet - 250000 miles
  • Diameter - 792000 miles
  • Density - 57 pounds/cubic foot
  • Composition - Ice
  • Color - Bright White

The time difference for the stars in Oceania is 276.92. This is a measure of when a certain star appeares each night. If a particular constallation is directly overhead at midnight one night, the next night it will be directly overhead 276.92 seconds earlier. Oceania is the only planet orbiting this star. Oceania has two moons. Both of these moons' rotational period (time for the moon to rotate once on its axis) equal their orbital period (time for the moon to orbit the planet once). Like Earth's moon, the same side of the moons always faces the planet. The first moon is twice as far away from the planet as the second, but is more than twice as big, causing the farther moon to look larger in the sky. The orbital inclination is a measure of where in the sky the moon appears. An orbital inclination of 0 degrees would put the moon directly overhead, an inclination of 90 would put the moon on the horizon. The farther moon has a smaller orbital inclination, causing it to appear slightly above the other.

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