Thanks for coming, I'd appreciate any advice.
Ok, heres the story: I was fortunate enough to come across quite a few SD plants for a very reasonable price (thanks to a well-known plant supplier on the SalviaD yahoo group! I'd give credit where
credit is due, but I'm not sure if he even wants credit at this point.) All were cuttings when I received them, and had not been planted. Some were rooted already, others had yet to put out root. The
rooted ones I planted almost immediatly, but I of course waited for the unrooted cuttings to put out roots before planting them. So in all of these pictures, some of the plants were planted much
sooner than others. The first ones were planted during the second week of June, and the last of them, only about two weeks ago. (All of the more recently planted ones are outdoor, though many of the
plants I have outdoors were planted over a month ago as well). I really should have kept track of which I planted when, but to be honest, I really am not sure which have been planted for a long time,
and which havent.
I live in california, a ways north of San Francisco. It's not really very humid here, but it's not quite as dry as say Arizona. In the summer, temps can get up to about 105 degrees F, but usually
stay around in the 90s in the heat of the day. My indoor plants are kept pretty cool, though, in an air-conditioned house.
The soil I used was a seedling mix, mixed with a potting soil with no nitrates (compost) but a lot of perlite and vermiculite. They seemed to transplant into it very well. I gave them a lot of water
when I first planted them, but really only give them water very rarely now, at the first sign of droopage. The soil tends to hold moisture VERY well so I worry about rot. I did put gravel in the
bottoms of the pots, in hopes that it would promote better drainage, but it seems like the moisture tends to stick around just beneath the surface. The pots are reasonable large, as you will see in
the pictures, but... in a few of them, I planted 3 plants in the same pot. I am hoping this wasn't a foolish thing.
The problem: First of all... they don't seem to be growing. They put out new leaves every now and then, but as you can see in the pictures, most of them are staying pretty... scraggily-looking (for
lack of a better term). They all are pretty much staying the same size. A few have grown a little, but not much. I thought that I would have seen more positive change (growth) in them from when they
were cuttings after they had been planted for well over a month and a half.
Secondly, many of them are very brown all around the edges (some worse than others). I know that this isn't necessarily something to worry about, so long as the new leaves don't do it. Well... they
do. As you can see in the pics, even the baby leaves turn brown and crispy at their edges. I tried misting them for a while, but it didn't seem to help much, and I stopped, as there seems to be real
conflicting advice on when and how much you should mist your plants, or if you should at all. And since it seemed to make no difference, I figured I'd rather have plants that were used to the
conditions as they are, than have my plants get used to being misted all the time. Also, some of the leaves are appearing deformed. None are really "corkscrewing" or anything, but many of them are
really pretty curly. Again, the pics will show this.
Anyway, if any of you reading this have any advice, tips, suggestions, etc., then please feel free to
email me or reply to my post on
the yahoo group message board (so others who may be having the same problems can get the advice too).