Welcome To Nymph's Dolls
Name: Heather
Age: 21
Location: Illinois
Fav Color: Blues and Greens, but I'm starting to like red.
Music: Anything but rap.
Movies: comedys and romance.

"Don't let anyone tell you who you can love, only your heart can be that judge."

My bases
These are my bases. Most aren't shaded, as I'm still not sure how to shade larger bases. So you are free to edit and add to them. DO NOT CLAIM AS YOURS! Please, link back to me when you use my bases, a simple text link is fine. But I made the bases and I worked on them, I'd like some small credit. :) Thank you. Also, feel free to send me ANY and all edits to the bases and I will put them here with credit to you.

email me at heathercrain11786[at]yahoo.com (Obviously, change the [at].


Pride or Scolding Base.

Who me?

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