Welcome To Nymph's Dolls
Name: Heather
Age: 21
Location: Illinois
Fav Color: Blues and Greens, but I'm starting to like red.
Music: Anything but rap.
Movies: comedys and romance.

"Don't let anyone tell you who you can love, only your heart can be that judge."

Latest Dolls
Click the Dolls to get to the basemakers site, mouseover for adoptable or none adoptable information. All are adoptable unless stated otherwise. :) Newest Dolls will be towards the top of the page.


My base

Jo's glamour shot of her pregnant self for her love Ben. NOT ADOPTABLE! An Av for Eden Enchanted.com. NOT ADOPTABLE

Base is mine and adoptable.

Give me my wish Santa, and bring my love to me.

Contest Entry at EE. NO ADOPTING!

Adoptable Av. Made on EE Base.

My charactor Solstice-NONE ADOPTABLE

Flora Av. Adoptable.

AV for my own forum. NOT Adoptable.

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