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Namber-Team Previous Briefing
1.Spurs 1 Top of the ABA rankings, playing some very good ball, lead by Webber(25.6ppg) and Finley (21.2ppg)...
2.Knicks 2 After getting rid of a couple uneeded PG they are looking very good right now with Duncan and Marbz both over 22ppg..
3.Kings 3 Top of there division right now, though with them shipping off Miller and Artest i see them falling soon..
4.Mavs 4 Some suprises on this team so far, Stackhouse(23.5ppg), Terry(9.6Apg) have this team in good shape..
5.Heat 5 Gm needs to get Active or he is gonna get Fired soon..Shaq and co. playing good right now though.
6.76ers 6 With some good trades the 76ers are playing some good team ball right now, with everyone chipping in..
7.T'wolves 7 This team should be competing for the Title this year, with KG(25.6ppg) Leading the way..
8.Bulls 8 Atop of there division, this team has all the tools to make a strong run...
9.Pacers 9 Once Jermaine O'Neal starts to pick up his play watch out, they could easily take the East..
10.Pistons 10 GM needs to get active or hes out, Can the Pistons make it to the Finals again? its gonna be hard in a tough east confrence
11.Nuggets 11 At 7-4 there not playing bad but could def improve alittle..
12.Grizzlies 12 9-6 Grizz looking like a legit playoff team lead by a rejuvenated Eddie Jones..
13.Clippers. 13 After acquiring Artest and Miller, look for this team to Move up and challenge in the West..
14.Jazz 14 This team needs a gm but are playing ok ball right now..
15.Nets Nets Carter and Kidd are playing sick together right now, but the Gm needs to start doing something or be fired..
16.Wizards Briefing at 6-6 they could def improve, a couple good moves and you got yourself a legit playoff team..
17.Warriors 17 Another gm that needs to get more active, he has some good pieces to trade and build a contender..
18.Hawks 18 Suprising Hawks are playing ok right now, they shipped JJ out though, this could hurt them...
19.Bucks 19 Gm needs to get active, has a ton to offer out there in the trade market, could really make this team legit..
20.Blazers 20 made a couple iffy moves, but at 4-6 there is plenty of time to turn this season around...
21.Suns 21 Got complete confidence in this gm to turn things around and make a contender out fo the suns..
22.Raptors 22 Not to bad at 3-5 could be worse, Spree and Grob are certainly doing there part...
23.Lakers 23 Young PG still learning the ropes but at 4-8 there are still playoff hopes..
24.Bobcats 24 With 4 wins already they could be headed for a Franchise record in wins...
25.Hornets 25 Got rid of alot of there young talent so they better draft good and pick up some good Free agents or there going nowhere fast..
26.Cavs 26 Very young team, there rebuilding so give it a season or 2 and they should compete...
27.Magic 27 Gm needs to start getting active, has some good players to shop around...
28.Sonics 28 Might be time to move Ray Allen and/or Shard out and build some depth..
29.Rockets 29 Dont know whats going on with this team but some more moves should come...
30.Celtics 30 Who would of thought that moveing pierce would send them to last and on a 13 losing streak, better start looking at the Draft cuz this season is over..