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{Master P’s Bout Dat hits the speakers as Big J Money makes his way out to the ring. The crowd goes crazy. He gets to the ring and grabs a mic.}

Big J Money: Damien, You see how dees Fuck ups do. Come out here tryin to jump me like i give a fuck. As you can see i got myself taken care of yo. You best realize Damien that i aint playin Next Friday is yo death. Next friday is the day you will choose two things, You Bow down to me, Knowing i am yo Motha Fuckin GOD. and you wish you was me. Or you DIE. Dead yo, No mo life. Seriously Fuckin Dead Ni**A! Thats what the Fuck I am talkin bout Damien. Death will become of yo Uneducated, No Skillz, Black ass. Who the FUCK do you think you are, You bettah Recognize that i RUN you and yo crew. You Aint nothin to me Damien, and you know dis. Dont wish you was, It aint gonna make a Damn difference. Big J Money is gonna kick yo ass all ova the arena next friday. I am yo superior, I Fuckin run you, THis Fed, And anyone else you can think of. I am the one who paid Florida to Vote Bush. Thats why George Bush is president. I am the one who CHOSE who would be in office. Damien, Yo time is runnin short Ni**a, and i aint bout to ease up on you. All my Strength, Fire, And Spirit is goin into Killin..Yes Killin yo ass. You can Kick, Scream, Beg for mercy, But i will not Give a Fuck. Do you understand me Ni**a. Not Fuckin around, You best pay close attention Nigga you might learn somethin. {Big J Money stops for a second}

Big J Money: Shane, you is a clever White Kid. Dont fuck up no mo. I will take yo ass out if you aint carefull. You can show all the footage you want, Truth is, I kicked yo ass. If anyone was cheatin, IT was you, Cheatin ON Julian wit Damien. I hope dem Girls of yo’s go both ways, Or else they is gon be leavin soon yo. Shane, Gay ass, Keep the fuck away wit me. You is spreadin Aids wit yo crew, And if they bleed on us clean Folk, We is dead, So lets keep the >Censored< to a minimum. I aint lettin yo lil Rainbow, Purple and pink Fuck ups stop my Forward progress in this fed. I will be runnin shit soon enough, and you will be bowin down and Kissin my feet. Bring out all the Peeps you want. I am PERSONALLY, Wit my hands, Takin each and every one of yo Fuckin group out. They aint nothin to me. Shane, I, One man, is takin yo whole crew apart. Understand Dis Motha Fucka. YOU can't stop me. You have no Fuckin power to do so. Understand Shane that I FUCKIN RUN DIS SHIT YO!!! Back the fuck up fo you end up a Dead man like damien.

{Crowd cheers as Big J Money stops again. Suddenly HBK’s music hits. The crowd cheers loud again.}

Big J Money: What up HBK?

HBK: Nothing, I cane out here to let you know something.

Big J Money: Whats that?

HBK: Comming up soon is the 8 man tag where we will be facing to see which fed will survive.

Big J Money: We is gonna kick ass yo, I will talk to you bout dat later.

HBK: Ok, Also, Do you know that shane is planning some kind of attack on you, Possibly you getting jumped in the back.

Big J Money: Knew bout dat last week. Anything he says, I hear, Anything he does, I see. Big J Money knows Shane, Better than Shane knows himself.

HBK: Really? Perhaps we could use that against him somehow.

Big J Money: We’ll see.

HBK: Yeah, You better kick Damiens ASS Next Friday

Big J Money: dont worry bout dat. Damien is dealt wit. He knows whats commin. No Games, All Serious. I plan on lettin him know that he aint as Bad as he thinks he is.

HBK: OK, Now, Michael Cole wants an interview.

Big J Money: Anotha?!?! Damn, Everytime i turn around, Its an Interview.

HBK: Its about Damien, And Your match with him Friday.

Big J Money: Aight.Damn, I been workin my ass off yo. ever since i got here i been takin Shane and his crew to peices.

HBK: Not this friday, Next friday. Big J Money: I know, I told you i was takin Friday off.

HBK: ok.

Big J Money: Aight.

{HBK’s music hits again. They say some things off of the Mic, And HBK leaves as the crowd cheers.}

Big J Money: Commin Close Damien, You got a Short time yo. Take it and do somethin Constructive like..Kiss my ass!!! You know its commin, You know yo ass is gone yo. Take some time to realize Big J Money aint no Joke. I cant say that Shit enough. Laugh all you want, When you end up wit about 25 Bullets in yo head, I want to hear you laugh then Fucka.

{Big J Money Pauses.}

Big J Money: Damien, Every time i think bout how Fuckin Fake you are, If Pisses me off. you WILL end up Dead yo. That aint no Threat, Its a Promise. You fucked wit that Wrong Motha Fucka Damien, And yo time is runnion short. You got a week and about 5 days to Say Bye Bye to all tha Fuckas who care about you. Big J Money is gonna take yo ass out, ONe way or anotha Yo. One FUCKIN way or anotha. You aint got no kind of defense against the different things i can Bring against you. Big J Money got a whole Arsenal that yo ass will not be able to stop or slow down. You talk like you is confident, But you really is scared, And Unsure of yo self. You aint Shit Brah, You aint Nothin. Know dat. Reconize who you is steppin to. You Retarded ass motha Fucka. I dont care how many years you been in tha buisness, If you was any Damn good, You would’nt cut the same Fuckin Promo Twice. Fuck up. You aint My level, You best stick wit those Euro and IC title Ranks, Cause steppin up to me, Might as well Pull tha trigger of yo gat to yo own head. Now, Fuck you, Fuck Shane, Fuck Justin, Fuck Julian, Fuck tha World, Back tha Fuck off me fo yall all end up Dead, And in a Mass Grave yo. I am out...Keep it real...GHETTO FO LIFE YA HEARD!!!

{Master P’s bout dat hits the speakers as Big J Money leaves the ring. The Crowd goes Crazy. As he exits the Stage, Michael Cole asks for an Interview.}

MC; Big J, Big J, Can i get a quick Interview?

Big J Money: MC, you sure its safe to step up to me like that yo? I am affraid fo anyone who steps near me.

MC: What do you mean?

Big J Money: I am ready to Beat tha Shit out of anyone who steps up to me and looks at me wrong, I will save if fo Damien. He is gonna end up worse off than he already is. When i take his ass out, Peeps will Laugh when i tie his hands behind his back, and have my boys Kick his ass till he comes crawlin to me, Beggin fo some help. Thats when i will Stand him up, Look at him, And if i see one bit of Anger, Or Hell, I’ll Just Shoot his ass fo even Fuckin wit me.

MC: Well, I am hoping you take him out. Its time for the Elite to show how strong they are.

Big J Money: And I plan on takin his ass out. He will not Succeed up in my world, He stepped into the wrong Ni**as Territory. Now his ass will pay Big Yo.

MC: Well, THis is all i need, Thanks Big J.

Big J Money: Whateva yo.

{Big J Money walks off to his locker room. He chills there for a while, He then gets Word of what Damien has said. He decides to head back to G-Town. He gets into his Limo and it is pulling off. He is talking to the Camera.}

Big J Money: Laugh it up Damien. You just signed ova yo life to Big J Money. Listen, Fake ass DMX, Lets keep it real fo a minute. You say you wanna face me fo my career....I say, Go fuck yo Mother yo. You aint Worth my Career. BUT i will give you this. Face me at the Next EWF PPV, We will put somethin bigger on tha line. A Career here aint shit to me either. I could Quit, Get Fired, It would’nt matter to me. But i will put somethin else on tha line which means more to me than my Fuckin Career. I will put My Estate on the line. From there, You can do whatever you want with that Castle, Burn it down, Sell it, Whatever. I dont care, BUT if i win, You give up yo name. Thats how it goes DMX..I mean Damien. By the way, I am a No Limit Soulja. Thats why i got my own Record Label. If you is gonna talk, Make sure you got yo facts Straight. Damien, You know you is Dead and gone so why do you even try to Fuck wit me Further. I likes how you use my words in yo Promo to lengthen it. Befo you get confused, Take yo ass Back to Prison , Remind yo self of when the peeps used to Fuck you in tha shower. Like i said Damien, You should’nt of picked up tha Soap Nigga. I know you and Fake ass Jermaine Dupri, and Shane be Fuckin in tha Locker room, But keep that Shit off tha Air yo. We is tryin to live without a mental Picture...Just shut tha Fuck up yo. You makin People Sick. Listen, You and Shane got a problem. Aids is a very Serious Disease. Go seek Counseling or somethin so we dont got to deal wit it. Now, Damien Stoudamire, Or DMX, Or whatever the FUCK yo name is, Learn yo lesson quick bitch. No mo Playin around wit yo ass, ITs time to get serious.}

{The camera fades. It picks back up in G-Town. Home of Big J Money. G-Town is Galveston. TX for all the Damiens out there. Gotta help the Slow.}

Big J Money: This is my home. Where you live, Die, and Strive To Survive on tha Streets yo. Its Kill or be killed. Its a Dog eat dog world out here, Nothin like Chicago, Or New York, Much Worse.

{The camera is showing scenes of G-Town where people are getting Shot, And Drug deals are going down, People Sleeping on park Benches and so on. The Car stops and Big J Money gets out.}

Big J Money: No one like You Damien Could Survive out here. This is where people die every day because they wont give their Shoes up. This is where peeps get shot fo lookin Suspect yo. Damien, You dont know Shit bout this, And i want you to know, This is where Big J Money grew up, Dealin Drugs, Makin Dough, Puttin out Records, Smokin Weed, Sippin Heniseed. You Damien have No fuckin Idea what this shit means, This is like The Ghetto of all Ghetto’s. Most recorded Gang Related Deaths in the country. Most Recorded Drug Trafficing in the United states of Big J Money. THis is Where us REAL Ni**as is from. This is where i Represent as Home yo. Next Friday i am facing you Damien and you will begin yo decent into hell, And you will Realize just then why Big J Money is the best in the buisness, And you is just anotha Fuck up, like Shane McMahon. look around this place, Its like the Darkest Peice of hell, And i LIVE here. My castle is here, and peeps now know you can get out of tha Bad life, But nop matter what you do, Once a Gangsta, Always a Gangsta, And thats the Fuckin truth Damien. You is Fuckin wit a REAL thug, a REAL Gangsta who went through this shit every day. Now i know what it takes to get rid of some Fake Ass Nigga like you. I hope you Realize the Reality of the ASS kickin i am bout to give you, And when Christmas Rolls around, Dont say i never gave you shit. You best Recognize who you is fuckin wit, I aint playin no games, You best take a few minutes, Sit down, And Think on dis, You fuck wit Big J Money, Yo life is over...And once you dead...

{Big J Money stares into the camera as if staring into Damiens Soul}

Big J Money: There is...No...Return......

{The camera fades as you see the Fire from Big J Money’s heart and soul shine through his eyes. He looks Evil, and has plans of Death and destruction in his heart. Big J Money Continues his Cold, Dead stare into the camera as it fades to black.}