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Hello this is Mohammed giving my report on our escapade to silvers on Thursday nite. It was organised by Paul and I, as we always talk bout how "we don't have balls to approach women in clubs", especially me. Anyway we decided to perform an experiment and here it is:

Silvers experiment

To approach all the nice women at Silvers night club on a Thursday nite


- A bottle of Vodka (note: between 2 people)
- pineapple juice
- Two spirit glasses
- Costa's house
- Costa
- Kaz
- playstation 2
- Up in smoke tour DVD

1- Drink alcohol till f*cked
2- Go to silvers
3- Grab women


The nite started off good, me and paul finished a bottle of vodka, and costa was drinking his bacardi shit, we were getting smashed and i was getting pretty dizzy.

I have a vague memory of what happened beyond the arrival to costa's house so the results will be in bits pieces. I cant remember shit, hahaha.

Anyway i cant tell u how we got into silvers cos i cant remember, according one of our extremely important equipment "Sober" Kaz, there was a line and Paul was trying to lick a girls ear. Yep, what the fuck?

In the club we went straight up stairs and who did we see? it was Paul#2, paul's unrelated twin, i must admit after analysing both of them, they do look alike.

Back to the experiment,

we were looking for nice women to approach, however we couldnt find any, i thought i was in the pound or something hahaha. But seriously it was pretty bad, no good looking women at all.

Now here are the rest of the memories that dont make sense and i cant put into sentences so i listed them:

1)I remember tappin some ass but i dont know who
2)costa and kaz left early but i dont know when
3)At one stage, me and paul got two vodka and oranges each, we couldnt drink them so we left them on the table. About hour later we missed out on the 15 mins of free drinks. So we ran to the table and saw our drinks still there only two of em but, we didnt give a shit, we cheered and grabbed them to drink and took to our table where pauls cuzens were.
4)Paul was really fucked, he was acting like he was holding puppets on string when girls walked past. he thought he was the puppet master.
5)We saw pauls cuzens, hung around wit them for ages.
6)I remember waiting for the free drinks to get some water
7)I remember sitting on a girl and me paul cracking up after, when i got off her.
8)paul was dancing to kylie
9)remember paul tappin some ass and the girl giving him a dirty look
10)remember paul saying we got to grab any chick, who cares if she ugly hahaha
11)music was shit house
12)remeber me paul and paul's cuzens saying that we're never coming again, but maybe for free drinks
13)Paul nearly falling asleep
14) paul got told of by security twice far falling asleep then trying to get up the stairs when they were roped off
13)I remember it was fucken shit
14)i dont remember costa and kaz through the nite, sorry guys i dont know why

If that doesnt make any sense, sorry thats all i remember

The experiment could not be performed as the girls were not nice, not nice at all.

Go to a club with nice girls