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From: Anonymous




Thank you again for the kind e-mail. I honestly appreciate it when you give such kind compliments. I really don’t really half of them, but I’ll take them J In all honesty, I regret posting that question in the FAQ. Still, what I said is what I said and I will take full responsibility for my actions and my words. The quote in question (read the FAQ) implied that white people shouldn’t wear FUBU but black people should. Well, I stand by that quote. I don’t think they should, but I do think they have the right to. The reason is this. FUBU was designed by a group of relatively young black men who wished to design apparel for other young black men. Perhaps this was a bit racist on their part, but if white people can have Tommy Hilfiger then black people can have FUBU right?


            Wrong. FUBU may have been designed by black people, but it was quickly worn by many white people. The reason it annoyed me was not because I believed wearing the letters F,U,B, and U on your chest was wrong, but because this brand had been designed with a certain demographic in mind. Designed for a culture who had been oppressed for the last hundred years and continues to be oppressed even today. So even if the idea was a bit racist, I respect the fact that black people may have wanted to celebrate their culture the same way someone who is gay may want to wear a rainbow. And yes, I realize that’s a stereotype.


            Back to the point. You should always be yourself. There is a difference between dressing to be stylish (e.g. wearing Calvin Klein and Polo Sport) and going out of your way to buy something to be something you’re not. When white people buy FUBU it’s not because they think the shirt is stylish or that it provides great comfort, but because they want to fit into a certain scene. I think this is very sad. I think it’s also very sad people who dress in all black, listen to heavy metal and wear anarchy badges. There’s nothing wrong with dressing in black, listening to heavy metal or wearing anarchy badges, but when you do all of those things at once you’re basically saying to the world, “Hey, look at me! I’m not a stereotype, I’m different!” When in fact, you’re just the same as every poser.


            I appreciate the fact that you respect my opinion. I respect yours. I never meant to cause so much controversy for writing that paragraph. In retrospect, what I said was a bit racist, but most of it was true. You should be true to yourself, you shouldn’t live your life pretending to be something you’re not and you shouldn’t waste your money buying a stupid shirt so you’ll fit in with the other predominately white, rich, ghetto kids at your local high school, or wherever you hang out.


            I hope that answer your question. Thank you and God Bless!


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