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Goings on @ Vista Way/b>
Summer/Fall 2004
Vista Way Apartments
Orlando, Florida

Abbi being very sarcastic after she dyed her hair to this brown from a strawberry blondish color
This was actually taken on my last night @ Vista, but Abbi and Dave doing what they do best...LOL...J/K guys!
Gracie and Steve @ the STD Filled Vista "Lay" Way Clubhouse's not called vista Lay for no rason!
All 5'3 Laura jumping chairs with the boys, turns out only all 6'4 Dave could jump the most chairs with 5...

Missy, Me, Steve, and Laura chilling @ the pool during our weekly FriendShip Boat captain get together
i didn't take this, i pulled it off the net, but i wanted to show that my apartment is in the BG on the right, WOO HOO building 13!
The Famous Vista Way sign right by the guard shack
