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Hurricane Charley
Friday the 13th, August of 2004
Vista Way Apartments
Orlando, Florida

Jamie welcomes you to "Charley's 2004 Hurricane Toga Party!"
Abbi and Dave debating about the last drink
"I think we're doing something wrong!"
"Oh yeah def. doing something wrong!"
Abbi and co-cast member and captain Mandi...Mandi was from Hong Kong but we don't know how she ended up @ the apartment or in the pic
Abbi kicking the shit out of Texas Phil...don't mess with a girl who has 4 brothers!
Laura's Chris after he jumped into the Vista Way pond
The Better side of Jamie
Dave really wants in on this issue which is keeping Jamie, Abbi and Marsha's attentions
Marsha my fellow New Jerseyan entertaining Hurricane Charley by dancing in the window..did i mention she is SOBER!!!!
Marsha couldn't contain herself...she let's loose on Dave
Abbi and I doing what we do best, sitting on our asses doing nothing
Me, Anne and Jamie in our Disney issue rain gear..also called by the FriendShip Boat crew "Trojan Wear!"
