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@ Work
Summer/Fall 2004
International Gateway/FriendShip Boats
Orlando, Florida

I didn't take this either...BUT THIS IS MY FAVORITE BOAT the 4 going to port side dock @ The Boardwalk in the AM!
Didn't take this one either, but this is the 8, the worst boat of the fleet...but i trained and checked out on this boat in Gateway!
Yup another I didn't take....BUT this is the sign on our dock @ International Gateway!
Abbi talking on her cell while we waited for the bus @ Epcot...still can't figure out who took this picture.....
"Look Ma' I can drive with my eyes shut!" Abbi and I put many nights into the post-illuminations cruise in the Lagoon..WITH NO LIGHTS!! Two Blind girls in the dark with a 66 foot Long Boat, just being checked out...Oh Man!
Abbi and My Dad on the Morocco dock on October 16th...I was no longer @ Disney by this Time, but how ironic that my "good friend" was my dad's captain!
Captain Grace being "Cool, Calm and Collected"...everytime Grace and I were on a boat together hell would break loose, either a boat would over heat or it would be pouring rain and the boat would be tied up to the dock and i am trying to pull away and i can't even though gracie said it was untied, only with her!
Grace reaches her breaking point on the FriendShip 1
Grace gets into the zone!
Grace demonstrating what the straps on my lunchbox (Which is now in the safe hands of Missy) are for!
"We will be your captains for this final voyage this evening," captains Missy, Grace and Me!
My Name tag....I was quite suprised when people actually knew that my small private school is in NJ! I even ran into quite a few people who live RIGHT by my school... one even knew me from b-ball...
Captain Steve perfects the drive by picking....
