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You know you're obsessed with Andy When...

" make up cheers for Andy during a match. *Andy Andy he's our man...*"

" have a group on your buddy list called Andy Crew and it nothing but Andy Fans"

"..when you think about him all day and kisses a pictures of him when you go to bed!"-Annelies, 15

"...the only videos in your video collection are Andy matches!! "-Rachel, 16

" friends think I'm crazy because I always think and speak about Andy. "-Vanessa,15

"...My friends think i'm obsessed with him because I have pix all over my room of him and carried collages of him around in my notebook flaps at school. And I talk about him all the time!!"-Erin, 15

"...when you have over 10 MB of space on your computer just dedicated to pictures of only him."-Danni,16

"...I go ANDY,ANDY,ANDY! everytime I'm cheering something (which means I cheer on him a lot!)"-Priscilla, 16

" start writing 'I Love Andy' all over your math notebook when you should be doing equation sums."-Marie, 14

" try and sneak into the players lounge just to get a glimpse of andy."-Katie, 18

" pause, rewind, play...pause, rewind, play...pause, rewind, play your tape of Andy's matches & interviews :) Guilty! " Jessica, 18

" hear the name Andy and you start looking for him." Jenn,15

"... the only thing you can think about is andy and you put his name in your phone book under a made up number. Also when u spend 3 hours every night looking at his websites for weeks." Ruth, 17

"...your friends think you're crazy and say that you probably like him more than your boyfriend...they may be right you know... :O)" Tiffany, 14

" have 10 t-shirts with the words "Go Andy" scribbled on the back." Marina, 16

"...when the first thing that pops on your head when you wake up is "did Andy win?"... anything related to Andy. " Grace, 15

"...when you like andy more that mark hoppus!!!!" Sim,16

" count down the days and hours 'til you get to go and watch one of his matches in person!!!" Stephanie, 18

"...your friend threatens to beat the living sh*t out of you if you don't stop talking about Andy." Annie, 14

" like him even if all your mates think he looks ugly or dorky, but you will stick by him." Leigh, 17

" keep screaming "go andy go" when you are watching one of his matches on tv ." Judy, 15

" dream about him every night." Mimi, 16

" have memorized his whole biography and have changed all of your favourites to the same as his so that you can actually then say that you guys are exactly a like.(I know that is very unusual but just cause I wrote that doesn't mean I did it)." Angela, 15

" start yelling at the TV when Andy looses or makes an error." Kristine, 14

" named your computer ANDY so that you can turn him on!! *get it?*" Kristine, 14

"... you pretend that your on a talk show being interviewed about marrying Andy." Anne, 16

" cry for hours when andy loses a match, and you curse the other player to hell." Tiffany, 15

" start imagining his face everywhere, even in your sleep." Bossy, 16


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You know you're obsessed with Andy when...