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Field a Ground Ball

Start in the defensive stance. Anticipate the movement of the ball, and move quickly to get your body in front of the ball. Not getting your body in front of the ball usually results in a playable ball getting past you.

"Even simple ground balls can cause problems if you do something wrong. Be ready for everything, and move quickly to the ball."

Step 1 

  • Start in the ready stance 

  • Focus on the pitch 
  • Anticipate which way a hit ball would go based on the player's swing and the type of pitch
  • Keep your weight forward on the balls of your feet
  • Place your feet shoulder width apart 
  • Keep your hands out in front of you 

Step 2 

  • Move to get behind the ball quickly 

  • Keep charging 
  • Run to meet the ball, if the ball comes right at you, to save time
  • Hold your body low to the ground 
  • Bend your knees 
  • Keep your glove open in front of you 


Step 3 

  • Reach out and put your glove flat in front of you

  • Keep your glove open and facing the ball
  • Be ready to receive the ball between your glove-side foot and the middle of your body
  • Place your bare hand over the glove 
  • Be ready to bring your glove up if the ball bounces


Step 4 

  • Watch the ball move into the glove 

  • Close your glove around the ball and bring it up
  • Put your arm back, then up and over your head
  • Step toward your target 
  • Throw the ball with a strong snap of the wrist


Skills Drills

Pitching machine 

Practice, practice, practice is the best way to work on your ground ball fielding. Work with a friend, or angle a pitching machine low to the ground so that it spits out grounders.

Practice with a partner

Throw or hit ground balls back and forth with a friend, alternating between slow rollers, wide hits, and backhands



Short hop drill 

 Have a teammate stand directly in front of you as you stand in the ready position. Have your teammate throw you balls that short hop. Keep your knees bent and body balanced, and concentrate on fielding the ball and bringing your glove into your midsection by bending your elbows.


Troubleshooting Tips


 If you have trouble perceiving the ball as it approaches, stand lower to the ground to better gauge its motion and path.


Two Hands 

Use two hands to field when you can. This makes it easy to control the ball and send it where it needs to go.


"Grabbing grounders"



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Jon Anderson