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Field a Pop-Up


Move into the defensive stance as the pitcher delivers the pitch. When the batter hits the ball high into the air, break to a position one or two steps behind where you intend to make the catch. Call "I got it" several times to prevent a collision with one of your teammates.

"Getting your body in the proper position—behind and facing the ball—enables you to control the play and make sure catches."

Step 1 

  • Stand in the defensive stance 

  • Be ready 
  • Place your feet shoulder width apart 
  • Keep your glove in front of you 
  • Keep your bare hand next to your glove 


Step 2

  • Watch the batter and realize when the ball is hit in the air

  • Run as fast as you can to the spot where it appears that the ball is going to land
  • Run on the balls of your feet 
  • Keep your eyes on the ball 
  • Raise your glove 

Step 3

  • Keep your throwing hand next to your glove

  • Catch the ball above your throwing shoulder and over your head
  • Let the ball enter the webbing of your glove
  • Close the glove over the ball 
  • Place your throwing hand on the ball just after you catch it

Step 4

  • Position yourself so that your glove-hand shoulder faces your target

  • Shift your weight onto your back foot 
  • Grip the ball with your throwing hand 
  • Get ready to throw 


Skills Drills


Practice solo


Practice! Practice! Practice! You have probably heard it before, but nothing beats practice when it comes to getting good at catching pop-ups. When you are practicing alone, just toss the ball high into the air. Think about approaching the ball quickly, catching it smoothly, and making a quick transition to the throw.

Practice with a friend 

Work on catching pop-ups with a friend by tossing the ball high into the air to one another. 

Hit ball drill 

Have a teammate hit fly balls to you. 


Troubleshooting Tips


For Over the Head Hits 

If the ball goes over your head, or you find yourself backing up just before the ball comes down to you, take a step back after you reach the spot where you expect the ball to land. It is easier to take a last-minute step forward than backward.


Call the Ball 

If you have trouble gauging who is responsible for a particular catch on a ball hit close to a neighboring fielder, listen for others calling, "I got it!" or call it several times yourself. If you are an infielder, you should always defer to an outfielder who is able to make the catch.


Never Backpedal 

Never backpedal. Turn your head over your shoulder and run normally, both for speed and to keep yourself from tripping


"Catch of the day"


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Jon Anderson