Turning two
Jack Stallings


The Baseball Coaching Bible


The double play

It is vital for middle infielders to shorten up their positions so the pivot person can get to the
 base before the throw arrives. The pivot person can then slow down, shorten his or her steps, 
get under control, shift easily on a bad throw, and stay on balance while pivoting. Infielders fear giving up range, but shortening their positions does not give up range so much as shift it over to the middle of the infield, and it increases the number of double plays. When infielders are
in normal position N, ground ball B is a hit and ground ball A is one out. With infielders at double-play depth DP, ground ball A becomes a base hit and ground ball B becomes an easy double play.

The lead throw to start the double play must be a good one. If any hurrying is done it should be
on the throw made by the pivot person to first base. The infielders should make sure they get 
one out. The pivot should be made based on the throw rather than on any preference the player may have on making the play. When one begins the pivot before seeing the location of the
throw, he or she will be off balance on any bad throw. Therefore the pivot person must wait to read the throw and let the throw dictate the pivot.


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