Working the infield


As a coach, you've got to teach your infielders to think fast and execute plays precisely. Here are drills and suggestions that can help you help them achieve greatness.


The fungo stick


The adage "spare the rod and spoil the child" is applicable here, and the "rod" referred to is the fungo stick. Caution must be used in hitting to the infield during batting practice and the sound advice, "keep your eyes on the hitter" should be upheld. Young infielders must be reminded of this and should never stand around talking to teammates or working on plays with their backs turned to the hitter. Infielders can work safely if the fungo hitter hits between pitches. Mix-ups happen and should be noticed by the fungo hitter, who warns the fielder to watch the hitter. For the average young infielder, hitting to him just during infield and batting practice won't get the job done. It is recommended that special sessions be held when practical, when fundamentals, pick offs and plays can be explained and worked on.



 It is recommended that special sessions be held when practical... 



Scheduling practices 

It is suggested that during the warmer weather you hold an hour session occasionally in the mornings around l1 a.m. after the dew is off the grass and permit players to work in shorts. This has proved popular with youngsters in the past as they do not sweat up their uniforms and won't tire from the exertion. Be careful of sunburn and recommend lotions for protection.


Infield workouts 

The following routine is suggested for your infield workouts or prior to game:


Hit to the outfield first. 

LF—two throws to 2B and two home. 

CF—two throws to 3B and two home. 

RF—two throws to 3B and two home.

A minimum of: 

Two rounds of single play 
Two rounds of double play 
One play to infielder's right or in hole; throw to first base 
One play charging; throw to first base 
Pop-up to your catcher


Infield drills for improvement 



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