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Why and when do we do it? At what times is the best to do it? Should we even do it at all when we do? That is the Qs. Well for me I just had to try something new at times that is the truth. I don’t even know if I have the right answers for the Qs that I have put before me.

Why and when do we do it? My first answer is I just want to try something different so I do. I have done this for a lot of years. To find the best reasons to do this I think you will have to turn to someone else, but this is just some of the things I will try at one time or another. But on to the Qs at hand. This is just one of the times...

I will make a change if I see something in the way that a fish is biting my bait. Just to say I see that I’m getting a lot of fast bits. The kind that is just picking it up, and spitting it out again real fast. The first thing that I do is to try a different pic up. What I mean here is I will try a different dip on the pops or a different pick up all together.

If that does not work I will try and putting more dip or less and wait on to see if that will make a difference. Here the last few years I will even try a hair rig or a blot rig. I pick these up from what I think is one of the best going things around for our sport. That is the Internet. The place that I learn about this is the Carp list. The hair rig is a neat tool to have. I will be using it quite a bit more. The biggest thing I look to grain from this is that a lot of the fisherman from here will not stick to it. It is just too much trouble to use because they won’t give them selves enough time to get use to it. I will!

One of the others things I will look at is the bait but only last. There are a few things that you have got to know. Now is this the best bait that you have, is it one that is new? If it is my best that I have on that day (being bait that you believe in) I will look at one thing and only one thing that is. How is it breaking up? If it is too hard any bait will make the fish act this way too. Now this is a Pay-Laker talking here and that is all. It’s just what has work for this one carper over the years.

All carpers have a way of doing things that come to be the way that you fish at your best and this is just some that has work for this one.

At what times is the best to do it? All I can say here is when you feel that something is wrong. That is when you do something be it right or wrong. Should we even do it at all when we do? I have seen on more then one time that if I had just waited I would not have had to do anything. After the changes I just end back to where I was to start with. I think that if you have something that works for you don’t go around looking for new stuff. Fish what is working for you and fish it till it stops. That is when you start making changes.

My wife use to ask me why I was all ways doing something different when what I had was working. Man I could be jamming on fish at times could not even keep the reels in the water and still looking for something new to try and catch more fish only to just mass everything up. When all I had to do was to just fish what I had till it stop. I think that it is just natural to change and want to do better. But you will need to learn to leave it alone at times. I think that is one of the hardest things to learn about the sport that I love most doing and that is Just Carp’N at its best.

Just Carp'N

Paul Collins

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