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Pics from Cindy

Karper, on the left, netted another fine carp for Cindy. This time she had an audience on the Dog Dock!

Cindy's new PB of 18.6 lbs. Caught with Pescaviva carmel corn. July 2001

Cindy's favorite bait, Pescaviva anise corn, rewarded her with a 15 pound common! June 2001

Another nice common caught on P. corn.

Cin bringing in a very nice common.

This common was a hard fighter and weighted in at 14.5 pounds!

(same fish)

Cindy caught this good size channel cat on Long Pond.

Cindy and the cat are having a nice conversation

Of course, Cindy has to give Mr. Cat a kiss!

My adorable wife, Cindy Goepper, with her first common. Caught at Russell Station September 2000. She will never fish for bluegill again!!

Cindy is working her carp to the net

Cindy with new personal best (PB) of 8 lbs.

My wife carpin' from her favorite spot...the dock.

A new PB of 14.5 lbs! Way to go Cindy!!

No matter if it's foggy. Carp don't care. Wife bringing a carp in.

Cindy with one of many bullheads caught this day.