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Strawberry Snack de Carpio courtesy of Rodworks


2 cups Cornmeal

3 tbsp Sugar

1/2 tsp Salt

1 pkg Strawberry Gelatin

1 tbsp Vanilla

2 cups water

1 bag "Secret Ingredient" (see below)


1) - pour all ingredients into a large bowl, mixing until dissolved.

2) - cook over a low flame, stirring constantly.

3) - while stirring, slowly add "Secret Ingredient" (Marshmallows).

4) - continue until batch is sticky as glue & too thick to stir.

5) - Wrap in wax paper, clean the kitchen, then get your butt to the river. Use strong line, put on a slip sinker then tie on a stout hook. Pinch on a piece of shot ~ 12" above hook (as a stop for the slip sinker). Break off a hunk of the ultimate bait & mold it fully around hook. Cast out & get ready for some hot & heavy action!


Note from BigDog: I found you might have to add semolina flour to this mix to get the right doughy texture.